Chapter 18

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Ok guys guys. I'm sorry for always writing a day after publishing a chapter been studying.  Anyways guys here is the next chapter and please guys don't forget to vote and leave comments.

At the Man Cave
Henry's pov
I just got here through the tubes and see Ray coming from his room or wherever he sleeps I don't know and he gives me a mad look.

"Ray, what happened? Why are you mad?"

"Cause you're late why else would I be mad?"

"But I'm just a minute late. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? Being one minute late is a BIG deal!''

"Okay, someone's mad today."


Rat gets interrupted by Charlotte coming down the tube with a bowl of chips and onion dip.

"Hey guys, I brought chips and onion dips." Charlotte says as she takes a seat.

"Hey Char."  I say walking over to her. "I see you brought Chips and Onion dip."

"Yeah made it myself. Taste it and tell me what you think."

I take a chup and dip it in the onion dip then take a bite and it tastes amazing.

"Oh my gosh, this is by far the best Chips and Onion dip I've ever tasted."

"Thanks." Charlotte says still eating.

"Hey! Charlotte why are YOU late"

"Cause, I was making Onion dip and besides I'm only like five minutes late."

"Well do you know what kind of crimes could happen in FIVE minutes?"

"Chill man, have some chips and dip." Charlotte says persuasively.

"I don't want your onion dip." Ray says still mad."

"Come on man have some chips and dip. You know you want it." I also say persuasively.


Ray tastes the chip and dip and the expression of his face changes.

"Charlotte this is amazing." Ray says happily.

"Yeah, thanks." Charlotte says.

"Now Ray, you still mad?" I ask him.

"No, not when these chips are around." Ray says still eating the chips."

"Yeah I figured." I say looking at my phone.

"Hey kid, who are you texting?"

"Oh just someone."



"Who are you texting?"



"It's his girlfriend." Charlotte says eating the chips."

"Charlotte" I say giving her a did you have to look.

"What he was bound to find out."

"So, Henry you never told me you had a girlfriend." Ray says.

"Sorry man, we just started dating two days ago must've forgotten to tell you."

"So, what's her name?'


"Oooh, Henry has a girlfriend, Henry has a girlfriend."
Ray continues singing as he prants around.

"Oh my god Ray, act your age or no more Chips for you." Charlotte says giving him the look."

"Fine, fine, I was only kidding Henry but seriously congrats."

"Thanks man."

"Now let's get down to those chips." Rat says excitedly only for us to turn around and see there are no more Chips left.

"Charlotte!" Ray and I say in unison.

"What!" Charlotte says.

"The chips." We say in unison again.

"Well it's not my fault. Rat when Henry was in that crazy dream state and I made chips and onion dip, you and Schwoz ate everything and without me."

"Yeah but Charlotte, I wasn't part of them." I say trying to defend myself.

"Well, you're a victim of circumstance." Charlotte says.

"Ugk." I say annoyed.

Okay guys hope you liked this one. Love you so much. Bye, I have to go hit the books.

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