Chapter 25

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Henry's pov
At the Man Cave
Ray and I just got to the Man Cave, I'm still in severe pain cause my arm hurts a lot. I remove the cast cause it wasn't doing me any good anyways. Schwoz, Ray and Jasper hurriedly come to see me and they all give me a concerned look.

"Henry you okay? Jasper asks touching my broken arm making me to feel the pain even more.

"Ow and no Jasper I'm not okay and please stop touching my arm." I say still in pain.

"So, what happened out there?" Charlotte asks.

"The warehouse was destroyed." I say while holding my arm.

"And Drex?"

"Well, Drex and Dr Minyak, they were also destroyed along with it." Ray adds.

"And Y/n? How is she?" Charlotte asks.

"She got shot by Drex." I reply looking down.

"Oh my god, please tell me she's okay."

I don't say anything, I just keep quiet knowing very well that what happened to Y/n was all my fault.

"Henry, is she okay?" Charlotte asks getting tense.

"I...I don't know." I reply.

"How can you not know Henry?''

"She's no okay, she lost a lot of blood and now because of me, I might end up loosing her. I can't loose her, I just can't."

"Henry, it's not your fault and trust me you won't loose her."
Ray says trying to comfort me.

"I hope so." I say still feeling sad.

"Okay Henry I think I have something that can heal your hand." Schwoz says.

"Really?" I say with a little excitement.

"Yes but first do you do well with shots?" Schwoz asks.

"Yeah." I say giving him a confused look.

Then he brings a syringe and gives me a shot on my left arm where my arm broke. It's painful but bearable. After a few minutes, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore.

"So, how are you feeling?" Schwoz asks.

"Better I guess." I say in a sad tone.


"Um guys, I'm going to the hospital to stay with Y/n."

"Hold on Henry, I'm coming with you." Charlotte says.

"Me too." Jasper says.

I blew a bubble and changed out of my super hero costume and head to the elevator. Charlotte and Jasper tagged along.

I just still can't help but but think that what happened to Y/n is all my fault. I love her too much to loose her and letting go of her is just to difficult for me. I love her too much.

Hope you guys liked this one and sorry for the sucky short chapter. Just wanted to say that this book is coming to an end soon after like two or three chapters. But I really enjoyed writing this. Hope you guys enjoyed this too and tell me your favorite moments of this story. Indicate by leaving comments.

Love you all💗💗💖

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