Chapter One

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I ducked as a glass vase was thrown at me. It shattered above my head, shards fall, cutting my face, causing blood to rise to my cheeks and fall to the floor in big red drops. I look up with fear in my eyes at the person who loves to cause my pain, Ms. Haddy. Her eyes are full of hate for me, she takes off her shoe and walks up to me. With a great force she hit me right across my face, causing pain and tears to appear. She hit me again causing me to cry out, this wasn't the worst she beat me but it really did hurt. She hits me harder after I showed that I was in pain. She start to yell at me as she beats me to the ground.

"You ungrateful, useless, worthless, little brat. No wonder why your parents left you here, why they won't ever come back for you! No wonder why people keep giving you back, your nothing but an ungrateful, ugly, dangerous, disappointment!"

That's what hurt more than each forceful hit, the words she speaks. How no one wants a dangerous, useless brat like me. But it's finally time for me to leave. I don't belong here so why stay, I have no reason to stay, I don't have a single memory of her being nice, each one is filled with nothing but pain and unwanted, but tonight is finally the night I, Ivy Potter, will leave I will never come back. Ever.

~Time Skip~
I waited until midnight to make my way to the kitchen, I don't have a lot of time so I need to move fast. Since my 'room' it the attic I have to go down the creaky stairs I've walked down a thousand times. I made my way down skillfully, with out stepping on a single creak, and made my way into the kitchen. I went to the fridge and grabbed the wedge of cheese placing in a towel, I moved to the bread box and grabbed a loaf of bread placing it with the cheese, finally I went to the knife drawer, taking one of the larger ones and placing it in my bag as well as the food. I have one more stop to make before I leave this place for good, Ms. Haddy's office. I ran down the hall to the always locked door, I took the key from under the fake plant she kept near and unlocked the door. Making my way to the filing cabinet I looked at each file, running my hand over them until I found mine. Grabbing it and putting it into my bag, I closed and locked the door, running out the back door. I ran in the direction of the woods, and I didn't stop running, not for hours, it wasn't until morning did I stop. Even then I continued to walk and by noon I was hungry, overthinking every thing and tired, as I was walking I was thinking about the past few years and how I'm finally free from that woman. The thought of not seeing her again, not hearing her voice made me smile. Soon I come across a small stream and having nothing else to do I followed it, but that was hours ago now I'm sitting on a fallen tree eating and reading my files. It took me a long time considering I'm only 4 and can barely read but I also have a bad case of dyslexia. I soon figured out what it read,

FULL NAME: Ivy Marie Potter
DOB: June 15
PARENTS: Unknown; mostly likely deceased
CURRENT LOCATION: Ms. Haddy's Orphanage for Girls
GENDER: Female
DESCRIPTION: Child is 3'6", has long black hair, ice blue eyes and fair skin. A lighting bolt scar in her right shoulder.
NOTES: child has been in twenty foster homes and had attempted adoption five times is the past five years. Child is deemed unsafe and extremely dangerous.

I looked at my shoes, kicking a pebble. My parents aren't known, they could be dead. I felt a tear spill over my eyes and run down my face and off my chin. No I can't cry, I wipe my face off and started to pack everything up until I seen a folded piece of paper at my foot. I picked it up and seen my name on the front of it in very fancy loopy writing. I unfolded it carefully I read it easily.

My dear Ivy,
I am so sorry I did this to you. I'm sorry I left you darling, everything will make sense later, but now I need you to know that I love you greatly and I miss you ever second of the day. I love you. Be careful.
                                  ~your mother

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