Chapter Fifteen

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Olympus was absolutely amazing, it was incredibly beautiful. I seen my mom for the first time in person, and she was even more beautiful in person than my dreams. Night had come fast and it was time to leave the golden city; everyone piled into the vans and went back to camp. Halfway back the weather started to act funny, knowing it had to do with the gods, we all sat there and silently asked what was going on. Once we arrived at camp Chiron sent us all to our cabins, telling us we had a game of capture the flag that morning. I gave Anna, Grover and Blondie a quick hug and led Scarlet to my cabin. And no she is not my sister (blood related) but I had asked Chiron and Mom if she could stay with me until he godly parent had claimed her, and they had accepted the request. So now we're sitting on my bed talking about anything and everything.

Scarlet: "How old are you?"

Me: "I'm 11. How old are you?"

"I'm 8! How did you get to camp?"

"I had a lot of help from my mom and my friends. I was alone for a very long time, until I had saved them from a monster. Together we traveled and made it here."

"What does you mom look like?"

"My mom has long brown hair, yellow silver eyes and is extremely beautiful."

" Who do you think my godly parent is?"

" I really don't know. We will do some activity's tomorrow and see what your good at."

"Okay! Do you ever leave camp?"

"Yeah, I go to school, I'm on break now. But in an few weeks I have to go back."

"What is your school like?"

"Well if you can keep a secret I can tell you."

"Yes! I can keep one!"

"I'm a witch as well as a demigod. So I go to a school that helps me with controlling my magic and learning new spells and things like that."

"That's so cool!"

"Yeah, it can be at times."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"What! No!"

"Why not? Your pretty enough to have one or even two!"

"I am not pretty, I'm anything but. And even if I was no one would want me, I'm too messed up for someone."

"Don't say that! Your beautiful! And of course someone would want you! Why would they not! I'm sure someone is out there waiting on you to find them!"

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Only time will tell little one. Let's get to sleep, we have a very big day tomorrow."

"Alright, good night Ivy."

"Goodnight Scarlet."

That night I did anything but sleep, I continued to think about what Scarlet said. Is there someone out there who will love me? Even if they know I'm completely broken? I continued to fantasize about that chance, that incredibly small chance that someone might fall for me, and could put me back together.  Soon I fell asleep to the thoughts of being wanted.

~Time Skip~
I'm running through a dark ally, something is chasing me but I have no idea what it is. I looked behind me to see if I could catch a glimpse of the creature, but I trip and fall on top of a person. Scrambling to get up I looked at the person. It was a boy, but I could not tell who it is, he was blurred out. His face was unrecognizable, but he was short, and had dark hair. All of a sudden I was falling. Twisting and turning down a black hole. I can to an abrupt stop but this time I was in the forest with a perfect view of the full silvery moon displayed in the inky black sky. While looking at the moon my mother had arrived, just like I have expected. I looked at her, she was radiating beauty. I smiled.

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