Chapter Two

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Panting, sweat cover my face and neck, drops fall on my already sweat soaked shirt. I glanced at Annabeth for a second, she looks exhausted. Her looks copy my emotions. We have been running for hours on end, trying to find Luke, Thalia and Grover. I tapped her twice, telling her to turn right, tapping her once telling her to go left. We continued our tapping game as we made our way through the maze. A scream echoed through out the area, causing us to freeze. Thalia. I looked at Annabeth, but her eyes were scaning my blank face. I started to run faster than before, following were the scream came from. I have to get to them before it's too late. I need to save them or I won't forgive myself if some thing happens to them. I ran faster. My muscles are screaming in pain, but I push harder, running even faster. I didn't stop running until I heard a voice that made me blood run cold. I froze, I haven't heard that voice in over three years...why now? I started to shake uncontrollably, memory's start to fill my head. The voice I left behind in Arizona got louder and louder, causing me to shake even more, tears are now running down my face. The horrible voice continues to repeat the same thing over and over, just as she did.

"You ungrateful little brat! How dare you come back! How dare you bring pain and heartbreak to another family that was willing to take you! Yet you come back! Every single time you come back! You must really love the pain I cause you, if you didn't you wouldn't continue to return to me now would you? You just love coming home to me!" Her menacing laughter filled the air. By now I'm shaking uncontrollably and tears soaked my face as more continued to roll down. Everything I left came rushing back to me, every hit, every spiteful word said. Every home I was put in, every death I had caused. I cried harder as Ms. Haddy's voice filled the area one last time.

"No wonder no one loves you, why your own parents didn't want you. No one wants you, no one will ever love you. Your useless, pathetic, and weak." As I cried a hand was placed on my shoulder. I shot away in fear. Through blurry eyes I could see a figure reaching a hand to me, I got up and ran. Fear taking over my body, I ran as fast as my shanking body could carry me. The sound of my name being yelled filled my ears but I ignored it. Having no idea who was yelling at me, I ran. I ran until someone ran into me. I got up and seen Annabeth sitting on the ground panting, sweaty, and bleeding. I ran to her apologizing as I helped her up. I gave her a concerned look as to the bleeding, but she only pushed it away focused on the main reason were here.

"Ivy, we need to continue. No matter how scared you are we need to push through and find them." I nodded showing I understood. I got up and gave her a hug, causing her to gasp in shock. I don't like to be touched but I was in need of a hug. I pulled out of the hug and started to run down a hall that is filled with the intoxicating flowers. I started to fill sluggish, all I wanted to do was take a nap. Not paying attention to we're I was going I tripped and fell, letting out a cry of pain as I hit the rock covered ground. My screams were met with another directly behind me. Annabeth. I quickly faced the direction of her but I was met with another body. This body was 7 foot tall, it stunk and looked to be almost gray. As I scanned the body that now held Anna I seen that it had one huge ugly eye right in the middle of its face. It was one of the biggest cyclops I have seen. Annabeth's scream of terror took me out of my thoughts.

"Unhand her you foul beast! Or you shall feel my wrath upon you!" I yelled in the most confident voice I have ever heard from myself. The cyclops only laughed.

"Punny little demigod, no one can beat me." the beast laughed its laugh, with his foul breath.

"You wanna bet?" I instantly grabbed my bow and started to shoot rounds of arrows into any part of the beasts body I could. The one eyed freak hollered in agony, dropping Anna as he held his injuries. The cyclops was to weak to stand, as he was on his knees, I went to finish him off but I had ran out of arrows. I grabbed my dagger running to him, but Annabeth beat me to it. She stabbed him right in the Achilles Heel, causing him to disintegrate into golden dust. I ran to Anna to make sure she is okay.

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