Chapter Twenty-Three

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You know what I missed most about Hogwarts? Cortney. I really missed have her annoying, happy self around. It's kinda hard to have a free sprint when your hiking through the woods trying to stay alive. The night I came back I told her everything that had happened. In return she told me everything that had happened here. And let me tell you. It's a lot. 1). Courtney pointed out that I missed like three and a half months of school. 2). In that time period her and Draco got together (100% ship it! I'm already planing their wedding). 3). Harry, Granger, and Longbottom got detention after dealing with a dragon ( I laughed my butt off after hearing this). 4). Weasley was in the hospital wing for a dragon bite. (Again I laughed) 5).Draco all got detention after following the golden trio. (At this point this girl is just telling me a funny story, I mean really.) 6). They went into the Forbidden Forest. 7). Harry said he seen Voldemort. 8). I came back.  That's all that I missed apparently. Dang.

"So are you and this little Latino boy like dating or something? Because he sounds really cute."

"I don't know what we are really. I would have to see him in order to know if his alive or not."

"Why don't you use that water thingy with the rainbow to talk to him?"

"You know what, I could do that. You wanna come with me to the Room?"

"Yeah! Come on!" Courtney grabbed my hand a drug me out of the dorms and through the common room. This will be pretty interesting. I really do miss Leo. I hope he is alive and hasn't been eaten by any monsters. I want to talk to him, but I have no idea where he is.  I toss a drachma into the fountain and said his name.

"Oh goddess Iris, please accept this offering. Leo Valdez." Nothing. No shimmer. No rainbow. Absolutely nothing. That means he must either be dead or he is in a place where the gods can't reach. I really hope he isn't dead. That might just kill me too.

An: I am so so so sorry that I have not posted in forever. And I'm even more sorry that this is so short and really crappy. This is mostly a filler, but I have writers block and I have no idea where I want to go with this story anymore. Any recommendations? You will be accounted for anything I use! I just need some help! This has not been edited. I hope you enjoy! Love y'all lots!

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