Chapter Twenty-One

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We stayed at the pond for a few more days, just long enough to rest up and collect supplies. Today was the day we planed on leaving, making our way back to New York. I turned to face Leo, he looked like he was in a argument with him self. After a few minutes he looked at me and gave me his not so famous smile.

"Alright, today we will start making our way back to New York, we should make it in a month or so. We will leave in a few minutes, so rest up and get some water and food." I turned away so I could pack up and all that when a hand grasped my upper arm. I glanced at the the boy who was missing his grin. I faced him fully, he looked... emotional; there was too many emotions swimming through his eyes to only be one. He took a beep breath and let it out, I snapped out of trying to figure him out.

~Leo POV~
I was scared, sad, angered; I was heart broken. I felt lost. I needed this girl, I needed her like the air. She helped me breath, to live. I know it sounds crazy, but that's what I feel. But I had to leave, I had to. Something was telling me to leave, that I would see her again. Something told me that something big was going to happen, something she was apart of. I didn't need to be in her life at that moment. I don't know. I'm following my instincts for once and I have to leave. I'm going to miss her. But before I go I think I will tell her the main reason why I'm not going back.

"Ivy... I'm not going with you. And before you make this harder, I mean it. I can't go back to New York, at least not right now. I ran away from my foster parents. I'm still in the system. If I get caught I will have to go back to an orphanage or into another foster home, and I can't do that. I really hope you understand. But you have to understand this; you are the best thing that has happened to me and I will miss you like crazy. I will see you soon, I know it." I looked at her, she stood there mouth gaped open. Suddenly I was pulled into a hug, i returned it gratefully.

I pushed her back and went into my pocket. It was the last thing I have of my mom. It was a simple chain that she would wear everyday. She took it off and gave it to me to put up, that was right before everything had happened. I looked up into the most beautiful silver eyes and took the black haired girls hand.

"Here," I placed the chain in her hand and closed her fingers around it. "Something to remember me by." I opened her hand and a small smile etched it's way onto her face. She is so beautiful. I just can't help my self, I lent forward and kissed her cheek. With flaming cheeks I pulled away and backed up. I have to go now or I will never leave her. I shot her one last smile.

"I'll see you later, and when I do see you don't act like a stranger." I walked away. I walked away from my best friend, away from the girl who I fell for. I know I will see her again; I have that undeniable feeling that we will meet again. I can't wait until we do, and until then I guess thinking about her will be the best thing to do.

~Ivy's POV~
I stood there as I watched the boy who has my heart walk away. I just stood there. Dàsos licked my hand, trying to get my attention. I let him. I felt empty and lost. I didn't know what to do, so I called mom.
"Mom please, take me back to camp. I don't want to do this quest anymore. Please mom. Please."

It felt as if I was spinning, I closed my eyes and felt myself disappear. Next thing I know I land in something hard. I opened  my eyes and seen that I was not at camp, but in fact I was in a completely foreign place. I stood and had a look around. Bookshelf's lined the room, many had flasks filled with different colored liquids, others had cauldrons with spoons mixing them. I have a feeling that I know we're I am. But just to make sure...

"Severus?" I hollered. "Are you home?" I looked around some more when I didn't get an answer. If this isn't his house then I have no idea we're I am.

"What are you doing here?" I jumped for the sudden cold voice behind me.

"Sev!" I ran and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad to see you! Mom must have sent me here, i asked her to take me back to camp. But I glad I'm here and not there. I missed you so much!"  I felt his arm wrap around me and pull away.

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