Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up with a heavy weight on my stomach. I was about to shove it off when a furry face popped up in my vision. Before I could react the beast decided to attack my face with slobbery kisses. With a yelp I finally pushed Dàsos off of me, furiously wiping the wolf slobber off of me. I shot the wolf cub a playful glare, only for him to give me a wolfish grin and a bark of laughter. I got up, but my head was attacked with a sharp pain. I clutched my head with a groan, falling back down. Within minutes Madam Pomfrey was by my side, presenting me with a potion.

"Take that as I change your bandages and you rest while I go get Severus." I nodded, taking the potion as she walked out the room. I sighed and thought about everything that had happened yesterday.

David's alive, how? Where did he go? What does he mean by taking back what should be ours? What's Dumbledore going to do with the school being attacked by the Greek monsters? Will I still be able to go to school? What am I going to do about the whole David situation? He's determined to kill me, but why? He's no longer the boy who I had helped all those years ago, the boy who I had found a family in. He's now the boy who wants me dead, and for what? Because I supposedly left his still breathing body when it was clearly dead. What am I going to do now? Will I go back to camp? Most likely. Gods, what is my life so freaking complicated. Why can't I have a normal life... Suddenly the hospital wing doors flew open. Sev, Dumbledore and Pomfrey all walked in. Before I could greet the other two Professors, I was crushed into an embrace. After a few moments I was released from Sev's strangling grip and quickly took in a deep breath. I greeted the headmaster with a small smile and a nod, one in which he returned.

"Ms. Potter, would you please come with Severus and I so we can speak about yesterday's... encounter." I nodded and slowly got up, I was still sore from the fight yesterday. I was about to fall over when Dàsos ran up to my side and caught me.

"Good boy." I told me with a pat in his head. With that I followed the two professors down to Dumbledore's office, as Dàsos followed me. In a matter of minutes we had all made it to the statue in the wall. Dumbledore ushered us into the room and directed Sev and I to sit down. They both looked at me, asking the same silent question: what happened?

I took a breath in and slowly let it out. Nodding my head I began my explanation.

"I was on my way to the common room when I had seen a group of third year Gryffindors being attacked by a Chimera, which is a massive lion/donkey/serpent thing. I had called some of the woodland creatures to help me distract the monster while I got the student to safety. Once they were taken care of I instantly went and fought the Chimera. It was hard but eventually I had turned it into a pile of dust. It wasn't until then did I notice down one was there watching me." My tone got ice cold, "David, he was suppose be dead. I had watched him die, he died in my arms. But he claims that I left him there to die. But he had already died! He tried to kill me, to leave me there to die. We fought, he offered an interesting deal. One that I had no intentions of agreeing to." I looked up at Dumbledore and Severus, not continuing. Dumbledore calmly asked me what he had said.

"He asked me to join him and take over what was supposed to be ours. I have a feeling it's nothing good." The two men looked at each other, having a silent conversation. I just sat there quietly, petting Dàsos. Minutes went by and it was still deadly silent, until Dumbledore finally spoke.

"Ms. Potter, Severus and I have come to an agreement that you will in fact go to Camp Half-Blood for both your safely as well as the schools safely. You shall return when the winter break is over. By then Severus, a few other hand picked professors, and myself will create a spell or potion that will keep you safe while here at Hogwarts. Now I suggest you go pack up now, you will leave after lunch." I stood and shook Dumbledore's hand, thanking him for everything. I gave Sev a hug and asked him if he would take me back to camp. He smiled and said yes. I grinned and ran down to my common room and began to pack.

~Time Skip(after lunch)~

I'm standing at the gates of Hogwarts, waiting for Sev to show up so he can take me to camp. I'm so excited to see everyone, I have missed them terribly. I haven't spoken to Anna nor Luke in a few days, so that have no idea that I'm coming home. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see me. I'm going to have to explain to them what's going to happen, we might have an actual problem on our hands if I don't find David and see what he means...

"Ready to go?" I jumped from the sudden voice behind me. Sev chuckled at me scared reaction holding his arm out to me. "We need to leave now if you want to be at your camp by dinner." With a nod I grabbed his arm and with a pop we dissipated into thin air.

I am so so so sorry this took me so long to post. Please don't hate me. I didn't know what to write and school has been stressful. I will try to get a chapter every other week or so, I'll try very hard not to wait an entire month until the next chapter. I'm sorry this is so short, but I really hope you all like it. So please leave some positive feedback and look out for any mistakes I may have missed please. Love y'all lots!

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