Chapter One: Babylon

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Monday, September 2nd, 12:00pm

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Monday, September 2nd, 12:00pm

The Town of Misthill, my home.

"Get off of me!"

"I'll tell everyone."

"Leave this town, tonight."

Or at least it was my home.

"Your not going back there, I wont allow it!" My Mom yells.

"That's the exact reason I'm going back, I have no freedom here!" I yell.

I pick up my small black bag from the ground and walk out the door of my house.

"Maggie Snow! You get back in this house right now!"

I hopped onto my midnight black motorcycle, "See yeah Mom."


I put my foot on the pedal and sped out from the driveway. Home I go.

After five hours on the road I drove past the town sign.

Welcome to Misthill.

I sped through the rich side of town where all the entitled kids live. I didn't miss this side one bit.

I drove into the more poor side of town, where my Dad lives. I pulled up to the house and got off my motorcycle. I looked around, the house was still baby blue with the paint chipping off, the grass was still not cut and very brown. I swear it could have been a forest. I walked up through the one clear path that had no grass growing on it and up to the door.

I knocked, I wasn't expecting anyone to answer, my Dad is never home. Unless things changed when I left.

The door opened to my surprise, "Mags?"

I looked at my Dad, his beard wasn't shaved, his gray shirt had a hole in the top of it and his jeans just looked horrible.

"Hey Dad." I smile with guilt.

"What are you doing here? Is your Mom here too?" he asks.

"No, just me," I smile, "Can I come in?"

"Yes of course."

My dad stepped out of the way so I could enter the house. Once I was inside I looked around there were beer bottles all on the floor, I walked into the kitchen to see even more of them along with a bunch of leftover takeout containers.

"Sorry the house is a mess, I wasn't expecting anyone."

"Do you ever?" I mumbled.

I turned around to look at him, "Is my bedroom still standing?"

"Yeah, there's only a mattress now, are planning to stay?"

"If I can yeah, I'd like too." I lied, it wasn't my choice to move back here.

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