Chapter Twenty: False Confidence

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Tuesday, October 1st, 4:40pm

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Tuesday, October 1st, 4:40pm

"Okay who would want all the power in the School?" Adrian ask, "Who would gain from it?"

"Jessica, maybe," I shrug, "I honestly have no clue." I admit.

"I don't think Jessica has the guts to pull something like this. She's too-"

"Girly, stuck up, already butts her away into everyone's business so it would be impossible for her to want more power?" I smile.

"Yeah exactly that." Adrian chuckles.

A loud crash comes from the right of me, both Adrian and I look over to see Adams panting and out of breath in the doorway.

"He's gay."

"Who's gay?" I ask.

"Kian... Kian's gay." Adams pants.

"Wait what? What do you mean Kian is gay?" Adrian asks.

Adams walks into the room and sits down in a chair, "Two guys were talking and it seemed a lot like Kian was dating one of them."

"That doesn't mean he's gay. I've seen him with girls before, if anything he's bisexual." I say.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is we need to go talk to this guy because he could give us some information about things we didn't even know happened. Maybe this guy even killed Kian, we don't know so lets go talk to him." Adams rambles on.

"Okay okay, we will geez."

I scribble bisexual onto a piece of paper and pin it onto the board before flipping it around for no one to see.

When I turn around Adams is already at the door, "Lets go."

"Bud calm down were coming, this guy can't disappear that fast."

"I don't care, we've got a lead here. Let's go, lets go!"

Adrian looks back at me, I shrug, "Let's go, I guess."

Adrian and I follow Adams outside the School, it's pouring rain out.

"I'll take my bike." I say.

"Okay, Oscar and I will go in the car and meet you there." Adrian says as him and Adams start to run to the car trying not to get rained on.

"Wait where am I going, I don't know where you work!" I yell.

"Club Azure, meet us there!" Adams yells as he gets into Adrians car.

I run over to my motorcycle and whip my hand over the seat trying to get some of the water off. The worst thing possible is having a wet butt, it's really uncomfortable.


We walk into the club.

"Okay the two guys at that table over there," Adams points, "I have to get back to work, but you two talk to him."

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