Chapter Fifteen: Glitter In The Air

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Sunday, September 22nd, 11:40am

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Sunday, September 22nd, 11:40am

Sam, Jamey and I walk down to sit with our parents. I sit at the end of the row of seats.

Sam leans up to me, "Was that her?"

I look down at her, "Yeah, it was." I smile.

"She's really pretty."

"You should tell her that one day, she might really like it." I smile before looking back up to the front of the room. I look over at Ace standing by the closed casket looking down at the ground until someone comes up to talk to her.

Every time someone comes up to her she gives a small smile and says a few words, nods a bit and then they walk away to sit down. Then she looks back down at the ground.

Gosh I can't help, but notice how tired she looks.


I stand off to the side as more people exit the church. I scan the area to see if I can find Ace anywhere. After what just happened in there with her Mom I was hoping she would want to go out and maybe get a tea.

I notice her standing off to the side talking to Maggie, I start to walk over when Maggie quickly walks away from Ace with out a word.

I tap her shoulder, she turns around and smiles, "H-Hey."

"Hey, that was a really good service." I smiles.

"Was it really?" Ace tilts her head almost as if she didn't believe me.

I dodge the question because I know I can't lie to Ace, but in all honesty it was kind of a train wreak, "Do you want to head to Dark Treasure? To maybe make this day a little better."

Ace smiles, "Yeah sure... like right now?"

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"Okay." Ace giggles.

Ace and I start to walk to the Café which is only a block away from the church. I notice her looking back at Maggie who is sitting on her motorcycle.

"Everything good with you and Maggie?"

Ace snaps her head towards me, "What? Yeah we're good. I just brought something up that I shouldn't of."

"Well I hope everything works it's self out." I smile.

"Me too." Ace nods before looking down at the ground.

For most of the walk we weren't saying anything, maybe only a few words to one another about random crap that had no meaning what so ever.

We walked into Dark Treasure Café and went over to the counter.

Not many people were in the Café, mainly because the whole town was at the funeral. But I'm actually surprised it's even open today.

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