Chapter Six: Don't Stop Me Now

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Friday, September 13th, 6:45pm

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Friday, September 13th, 6:45pm

I met up with Oscar at his house before the Back to School dance. Mainly because I had to pick him up and he didn't want to walk even though he only lives 5 minuets away from the School... but it's fine.

"Wait I want to get a photo of you two handsome boys." Oscar's Mom smiles.

"Mom, no."

"Yes." His Mom says as she takes the photo of us.

"Lorna hurry up the boys want to leave." Oscar's Dad said from the door.

"Oh Shut up Hal! I can take as many photos as I want, they'll want to remember this moment!" Oscars Mom yells back.

"We need to get going." Oscar says as he basically pulls me to my own car and forces me inside.

"Drive. Please."

"Okay, I'm going." I say as I drive towards the School.

I turn out of the Street, "So your parents seem happy."

"They've been fighting like that for the past two months, the smallest things make them tick. It's pretty annoying." Oscar sighs.

"Well then it's good we're going out tonight so you don't have to be stuck in the house with that." I try to make my curly haired friend brighten up.

"Yeah." He nods.

We walk into the School and head towards the gym where the dance is being held.

"How many people do you think are going to show up?" I ask.

"Half the school maybe? The other half is probably at home, or drunk, or high. There are many possibilities." Oscar says.

"Yeah...?" I nod.

We turn into the dance and stop in the doorway, it's surprisingly crowed.

"Hey boys!" Conner says as he walks up to us with a drink in his hand.


"Didn't know you two were coming."

"We didn't really either till last night." Oscar smiles.

"Cool, well, half of our grade isn't here. It's mainly the niners." Conner says as he looks around.

"I see that."

Oscar and Conner start to have a disagreement that I end up blocking out since it's most likely something they've already fought about.

I look around the gym when my eyes caught onto Maggie standing over by the punch bowl.

I snuck away from Conner and Oscar knowing both of them would most likely get mad that I'm going to talk to Maggie; Both would be mad for different reasons.

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