Chapter Nine: So What

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Tuesday, September 17th, 3:10pm

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Tuesday, September 17th, 3:10pm

I lean up against the fence outside the Elementary School. I look down to my watch to check the time.


The bell rings and floods of kids come running out from the School to be greeted by their parents.

I had to pick up my little sisters today since my parents were at a work meeting that they couldn't miss. Both of them are always focused on their work life.

I hear my name getting called from afar, "Jade!"

Right as I look up from the ground two bodies slam up against me, I wrap my arms around the two girls in front of me.

"Hi cookies." I smile down at them.

"Hi!" Sam smiles at me as a piece of her curly brown hair falls in front of her face.

"Do we have to walk?" Jamey asks.

"Sadly yes, but at least it gives you time to tell me how your days were."

We start to walk home from the School.

"During recess today I saw a Morpho Achilles." Sam smiles.

"And what is that?" I ask.

"A butterfly, you should know this Jade!"

I put my hands up in defence, "Sorry I'm not that knowledgeable in butterflies as you are."

Sam is a full blown butterfly expertise, she could talk about them all day everyday, I can tell that sometimes Jamey gets really tired of her talking about them. Mostly because Sam's side of their room is covered in butterfly stuff.

"Jamey did you see any butterflies today?" I ask.

"No. While Sammy was off running around chasing them I was practicing my dance routine for Friday."

"That's fun, I can't wait to see it."

For as long as I remember Jamey has been dancing, mostly Hip Hop and sometimes Jazz and Ballet, but she also every once and a while wants to join The Hunters gang. Which I won't allow and neither will my parents. It was hard enough for me to join, I'm still surprised I'm not disowned yet.

We turned into our driveway, I looked behind me to make sure no one saw us.

No one really knows I live on the richer side of town, the only person that most likely knows is Maggie and potentially Clark.

Once we got into the house Sam and Jamey went running to the Kitchen for a snack. They only do this when I pick them up. My parents never like anyone snacking until it's dinner time.

When I walk into the Kitchen both of them are sitting at the island sharing a bag of plain Miss. Vicky's chips.

"I see you're eating some chips."

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