Chapter Three: Goodbye

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2:15pm

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2:15pm

Hill High the worst place in the whole town.

As I walk through the halls memories haunt me. I hate it.

In the morning when I walked into the School everything went silence with only the sound of mice talking about me as I walked past them.

"Is she really back?"

"Why'd she leave in the first place?"


I didn't want to punch anyone on my first day back, so I just kept to myself for most of the day till last period which was Science with Mr. Gibes... I hate him.

I ended up talking to Adams for a bit and then Adrian as well. There was something about Adrian, whether it was the way he carried himself or the mystery that followed him. I was intrigued.

There was the Back to School party tonight, I basically forced Adams and Adrian to go. Mainly because I wanted to go to the party, but I wanted to go with people that I partly trust. Not saying that I trust either of them, I mean I did just meet Adrian, but I trust both of these guys more than anyone else in this stupid school.

I walked out to my motorcycle at the end of the day. I was parked beside a pastel yellow bike. This girl with long black hair sat there looking down at her phone. She wore a white tank top with yellow flowers all over and a pair of light blue jeans. She looks up at me.


I look over to her, "Uh yeah... do I know you?"

"Right, I look different. It's Alec, I go by Ace now."

Holy Shit.

"Holy shit.... God I shouldn't have said that out loud, sorry... Um you did it? Congrats?"

"I know it's awkward, but it doesn't have to be. Why are you back?" He- She asks.

"Thought it was time to come back." I smile.


"I saw a poster of your brother, I'm sorry to hear he's missing." I tried to be sympathetic.

"Thanks." Alec- Ace looks down at the ground.

"You look really different. In a good way. Now when I think about Grade nine before I left, this suits you more. I guess, I don't really know how to act right now."

"It's okay, it was a shock to everyone, my parents still aren't that used to it... everyone at the school is though, but I get it will take you time." Ace smiles.

"Yeah. Well I should go." I turn towards my motorcycle.

"Yeah- Wait are you going to that party later tonight?"

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