Chapter Eight: God And Monsters

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Tuesday, September 17th, 7:00am

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Tuesday, September 17th, 7:00am

I walked out from my room in the morning to see my Dad standing in the Kitchen making a cup of coffee.

"Morning, I made you a tea." He smiles.


I look over to the table to see the tea sitting there, I sit down and stare at it of a couple of minutes.

Did he forget everything that happened after School yesterday? Or did he get drunk last night and now he's just hungover?

I look up as my Dad walks over to the fridge and opens it grabbing out the milk. I take a sip from my tea and watch him as he closes the fridge door, "So how was the meeting last night?"

"Good "

"I don't understand why I couldn't have just come."

He places down the milk and take a minute to respond, "Because, Maggie, you need to learn that beating people up isn't something you have to do to get your way."

"I've beaten people up before, what's the difference now?" I ask.

"By you coming back here it shows me that you wanted to change, I'm just trying to help you." My Dad says.

"Help me? Says the Dad who is trying to be sober, but is failing by being drunk out of his mind every night!" I yell as I stand up from the table, slamming my hands down.

We stare at each other before I pick up my bag from the ground, "I'll be at school." I walk around the table and storm out from my house to my motorcycle.

I know he is only trying to do what's best for me, but when it just makes me more mad I just can't see where he's coming from. I should tell him why I punched Conner in the first place, but then that will just stir up more problems that I don't know if I'm ready to deal with.

I get off my motorcycle after parking at the School.

"Hey, where were you yesterday at the meeting?" Jade asks as she walks up beside me.

"Well my stupid Dad wouldn't let me go to that stupid meeting because I punched stupid Conner." I clench my fists.

"That is stupid." Jade says.

I start to walk towards the School, "And he thinks he helping me by making me realize my actions because the whole reason I came back here was to become a better person. Bull Shit! I can punch who ever the fuck I want to punch- agghh."

"You've been wanting to say this for a while haven't you?" Jade asks.

"Yeah think?"

I stop walking and take a deep breath.

"What was the meeting about anyway?" I ask.

"He just wanted to tell us that if the town keeps blaming the gang for killing Kian, we just stand our ground and don't retaliate because they could point even more fingers and some of us could get arrested." Jade explains.

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