Chapter Twenty-Two: Game Of Survival

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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2:00pm

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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2:00pm

I stare up at the clock waiting for time to tick by, waiting for the bell to ring.

Ever since I flushed the steroids down the toilet I've been more nervous, I've come up with the habit of biting my nails and shaking my leg up and down. I feel as if I don't have control over my body.

Once the bell rings I'm up and out of my seat. I need to talk to someone, anyone. I don't care who.

I walk down the hallway of the second floor and into the staircase. I walk up to the third floor hoping to find Adrian.

I round the corner to see Adrian stopped in the middle of the hallway talking to Maggie. She doesn't look the happiest so I wait a second to walk up to them.

I look over to the clock again it's only been five minutes since the bell rang. I look back over to Adrian and Maggie to see Maggie is gone. I walk up to Adrian.

"Hey. Can we talk?"

He looks over my shoulder, "Yeah sure, here?"

"No, follow me."

Adrian follows me down to the french hall on the third floor. No one is very down the french hall at the end of the day, not even teachers.

I stop and turn around to face Adrian, "Are you okay?" He asks.

"No. Not okay. Definitely not okay." I shake my head rapidly back and forth.

"What is going on?"

"I took steroids." I blurt out.

"You what!?"

"I know it was stupid of me. But I flushed them down the toilet, but I can't help it. I think my parents know."

"What makes you think they know?" Adrian asks.

"Well about two weeks ago, I flushed them because I got a full ride to college-"

Adrian interrupts me, "Wait that's amazing congratulations."

"Thanks, but not the point I realized that I shouldn't keep doing this if I still wanted the full ride to college, so I flushed them down the toilet. But I've been so nervous and jittery the past weeks that I think they've started to notice-"

"That your coming off drugs."

"Exactly. So what do I do?" I ask.

"How am I supposed to know. I've never done drugs before." Adrian says.

"Well how am I supposed to calm down if they ask me anything? Or start to question me?"

"Just say you've been nervous with School. Say you have a big test coming up that means a lot for your grade."

I repeatedly point at Adrian, "That could work."

"Can I ask who gave you the steroids?"

"Kian. It was Kian."


"Yeah why?"

"That guy did know everyone, and did have a leverage on everyone." Adrian says.

"I'm confused." I say.

"It doesn't matter, but you have to make sure no one finds out about Kian giving you the drugs."

"Don't you think I've already thought of that, people could think I killed him. Which I didn't, but your still right no one can know. So don't tell anyone please."

"I won't, promise."

I take a deep breath knowing that all of this is now somewhat off my shoulders.

"Thank you for calming me down." I say.

"Yeah no problem, but I've got to get going."

"Where? We have a game tonight."

"Uh... to help friend." Adrian smiles.

"Is it Maggie by chance? I saw you guys talking earlier."

He nods, "Yeah it is."

"You two are friends?"

"Yeah, kind of, it's confusing." Adrian says.

I nod slowly, "Well you better be at the next game, we need you playing to win."

"I will trust me, this is only a one time thing." Adrian flashes a smile before walking off down the hallway.

I close my eyes and take another deep breath.

I am calm, I am strong, I am a rock star. I flicker my eyes open before walking down the hallway.


I walk out of the locker room after the game. I end up meeting my parents out in the parking lot.

"Great game tonight sport." My Dad says as he pats my back.

"Thanks Dad, I tried my best." I smile.

"You always surprise us every game, but where was Adrian tonight?" My Mom asks.

"He was helping out a friend." I smile.

"Oh, do we know this friend?" My Dad asks.

"No." I shake my head.

I don't want to tell them it's Maggie. Ever since Maggie and I broke up they haven't been so fond of her. Especially after she punched me she kind of got on their even more bad side than she was before.


I get into my house, "I'm going up to my room I'm pretty tired, I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay goodnight sport." My Dad says.

"Night sweetie." My Mom smiles.

"Night." I mumble as I walk up to my room.

I get into my room, a cold breeze hits me as I close the door. I sonter over to my window and close it.

I never remember opening it, I take a quick glance around my room when my eyes stop on my desk to see an envelope with my name written on it.

I look around again before picking it up and ripping it open.

I unfold the small piece of paper inside.

I freeze as the words written on the piece of paper run through my head, my heart begins to pound faster than it was earlier today.

Watch Your Back

Once I look around my room on more time I quickly crumble up the piece of paper in my hand and throw it into my desk.

Maybe this person is closer than I ever thought.

So I know this chapter is short, it's kind of a filler, but it moves the plot so who cares!

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So I know this chapter is short, it's kind of a filler, but it moves the plot so who cares!

Who do you think put that letter in Conner's room??

Another chapter is getting posted today!! Three chaoters yaya! So while your reading this please give this chapter a vote if you liked it!

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