Chapter Seven: Killer Queen

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Monday, September 16th, 7:00am

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Monday, September 16th, 7:00am

Nothing, I found nothing. I'll have to look through that box again, maybe I missed something. Maybe I didn't fully look at everything because I was in a rush.

I walk out from my room and into the Kitchen, to see my Dad through the doorway to the Living room asleep on the couch. I let out a sigh as I place a piece of bread into the toaster. I smile at the thought of a book I once read where the Uncle had no idea what to call the toaster.

Once the toast pops up I'm surprised my Dad hasn't woken up yet. I put some butter on the toast before sitting down at the table opening up The Dark Half by Stephen King, I gave up on reading The Bone Collector, it just wasn't for me.

A loud noise came from the Living room I took one last bite of my toast before getting up and walking over to see my Dad laying on the ground.


"Dad!" I yelled making him jolt awake.

"I'm awake!" He yells.

"Yeah sure you are, you fell off the couch." I turn around and head over to the front door to put on my shoes.

He stands up rubbing his head, "Shouldn't you be off to School?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving now. I'll see you later?"

He scratches his head, "Uh, yeah."

I nod before grabbing my bag and book from the Kitchen table. I finish pulling on my boots and run out the door to my motorcycle.

I drive to School the wind rushing threw my hair since, I forgot my helmet. Some would say that it's dangerous to not be wearing a helmet, I say it's exhilarating.

I park in the School parking lot right in front of the big sign that says Welcome To Hill Highschool. It flashing the date across the moving sign and the events for the day, if there are any.

After walking into the School I make my way over to the gang.

"Maggie did you hear that Rick, your Dad, is making an announcement tonight?" Clark asks.

Clark was much taller than me, snow blonde hair and probably the bluest eyes in the world. He looks like he should live in the rich side of town.

"No, and I doubt anything will be said tonight, he'll probably be drunk out of his mind and we won't be able to hear let alone understand a thing he says."

Everyone laughs, "Sounds like Rick." Jade smiles.

"Does anyone even know what the announcement is about?" I ask.

"No, but I bet you 20 bucks it has to do with Kian and all the blame the whole gang is taking. It's stupid that this whole town thinks we did it just because we're a gang!" Clark growls, I can never see Clark as tough especially with him being a Grade younger than me.

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