Chapter 1:

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The sun just barley breaks turning the sky this light shade of blue, almost as if the light was chasing away the dark. A small farm sits quietly, only the gentle sound of the wind blowing through the tall grass. My breathing is no longer labored as I finally decide to leave my hiding place and towards the house.

     It doesn't look like anyone's home, hopefully there will be clothes or food or something I can use. My eyes quickly dart around as I sprint as fast as I can into the house.

       Wood creaks beneath my feet with every step. My jaw clenches with each sound and no matter how quiet I try to be it doesn't seem to stop.  Looking around I see a bowl of fruit sitting perfectly on the kitchen table, toys laying scattered on the floor, pictures lining the walls. This place is actually pretty nice. Stepping a little closer I can actually take a good look at the photos.

       A smiling family looks back at me. They look relatively normal. "You broke into the wrong house."a voice says making me jump and carefully raise my hands. "I'm not here to hurt you I just need some food and water that's all, then I'll be on my way." "I don't care."he says. Slowly I turn around to face him. Remember when I said they seemed relatively normal? Yeah I was wrong.

      The tip of an arrow just a mere inches from my face. He seems to jump back in shock just slightly. "Speak now while you have the chance." I inhale slowly, my eyes watching his while I start turning on the heat. This slight burning sensation starting to happen in my hands.

"My name is Flair, I am a United States Marine. There is a group hunting me hence why I'm here." "Is that who busted up your face?" "Oh come on I don't think I look think I look that bad all things considered." His eyes jump to my hands seeing them start to turn this bright red.

"Daddy?"a small voice says. I look toward the sound to see a little girl, a teddy bear clutched to her chest. Shit. I start to calm down and turn off the heat. The man gives a small sigh as he looks to her. He lowers the bow and turns back to me. "How old are you?" "22."I say softly. "Alright, I'll help you out but after that you're on your own, got it?" With out another word I give a simple nod.

      My eyes open at the slight sound of the floor creaking. Moose shoots his head up, ears perked forward as his eyes stair towards the door. I grab the gun from my nightstand and carefully make my way to the door, Moose by my side.

      A man stands in my kitchen, rummaging through my fridge. "Hey asshole."I snap. Moose begins to growl, ready to attack on my signal. He turns around making relief and announce wash over me. "Jesus Clint, What the hell are you doing here?" "Came by to tell you that you are coming with me to a party tonight."

      "This couldn't have waited till I don't know when the sun was up." "Nope, besides we have training this morning." I roll my eyes as I set my gun on the kitchen island. "So instead of calling you break into my apartment?" "I mean technically it's my apartment and I have a key so I can show up whenever." "Touché."

"Now will you please put some clothes on, I don't care that you're 26 now I don't want to see you in a tank top and underwear." "Again you could have called."I smirk as I walk away. It's going to be a long ass day.

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