Chapter 6:

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~Steve's POV~

I watch carefully as she throws her head back in defeat as rain pours on her. This smirk falls on my face as I grab a jacket for her and myself along with an umbrella before swiftly following her out the door and down the sidewalk. "Flair!"I call out. She stops and turns to me, her hands gripping her arms as she shivers.

Quickly I rush over to her and open the umbrella. "Thank you but you didn't have to run out here and ruin your nice clothes."she gives a small smile, her beautiful eyes jumping up to look at mine. "Nonsense, I wanted to; besides this is a rough city especially at night, can't have a beautiful woman like yourself walking around out here alone."

"Is this just your way of asking if you could walk me home?"she smirks slyly, her lower lip gently placed between her teeth. "Is it working?"I chuckle. "Maybe." There is this sparkle in her eye that just keeps me from looking away. Suddenly she gives this small shiver, "oh umm here."I say as I attempt to place the jacket on her."

"Oh no you don't have too..." "Please I insist." With a simple nod I place the material on her shoulders, my fingers brushing her soft skin. Her small hands grip to the sides as she envelops herself in its warmth. "Shall we head out then?"she asks, her voice coming out so sweetly that it oozes honey. "Lead the way."

There is mostly silence between us with the exception of her shoes as she walks. "So tell me a little about yourself Captain."she suddenly says. "Well what would you like to know?" " I don't know, ummm what was it like waking up after so many years of being frozen?" This small sigh escapes my lips before I speak, "in all honesty? Scary at first, I didn't know really where I was, what was going on or anything."

She nods as she looks at me as we continue on our way. "I honestly can't imagine how scary it must have been."she says, "I mean the New York you woke up in is definitely different compared to the one you lived in." "Well they tried to convince me but you know what gave them away?" "Hmmm."her green eyes peer up at me just waiting for me to tell her.

      "They were playing the Yankees game that I just so happened to be at on the radio. They didn't know that I was at that very same game in person before they played it." This small chuckle escapes her lips making me smile. "What about you, I mean I know you were a marine and about your unite but other than that I don't have a clue."

She just looks in front of her as if she is searching for the right words to say. "Well what exactly do you want to know?" "How about, what made you decide to become a marine?" "Oh easy, that's because that's what my dad did. My dad was all I had growing up, mom left when I was a kid. He was gone a lot so most of the time I was on my own but when he was home we had the time of our lives. Dad and I did everything together. He's the reason I wanted to be a marine plus it was just how I was raised. He's my hero."

The whole time she talks she has this huge smile on her face. I can see the love she has for her father plastered over her whole body. "Funny enough he loved you."she adds. "He loved me?"I ask curiously. "Yeah he studied you. I know it sounds totally creepy but you inspired him, you're courage and all. He thought you were amazing." "You talk about him as if he is gone, may I ask what happened?"

She gives a deep sigh as we near an apartment building. "We stopped talking after I got back." "Oh really? Why is...." "Well this is me."she suddenly interjects. "It was really nice meeting you Captain." "Please call me Steve."I say with a warm smile. "Well it was really nice meeting you Steve." She gives a kind smile before turning back and walking inside. My own smile falls on my face as my eyes jump back to the door before walking back to Avengers tower.

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