Chapter 20:

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       "Are you ready?"Clint asks as he turns to me. "No." "I'm not either."he reply's. Silently we leave the room and get in position. Carefully we lift her casket and make our way down the aisle. I can feel the dampness of my tears falling on my cheeks. I'm numb. My mind runs in so many different directions but in they end they all just lead to a dead end.

Prayers are given and tears are wiped away, sniffles echo around me, Natasha grips my hand as she tries her best to hold in her sobs. "It is at this time I think Clint should say a few words." He slowly rises almost as if the air in the room was too heavy to carry. His wife holds her children close as they cry softly.

     I can't imagine the type of pain they are going through. They lost a friend, a playmate, a daughter. The world lost a soldier, a wonderful person, a hero.
I close my eyes as a tear falls and lands on my pant leg. "I umm I don't really know how to start...."Clint says. "When I first met Flair she was practically just a kid. She was was all sorts of messed up. Funny enough she broke into my house."he tries to laugh and lighten the mood.

       "Honestly I don't know what I'm doing up here. There is nothing about Flair that everyone didn't already know about. She was beyond special."I watch as the tears start to make home in his eyes. "She was so kind and loving, she was rough around the edges but that never mattered because to myself and my family she was perfect. She was absolutely perfect. I never have met someone as tough as her. The world always seemed to look for a way to break her, and no matter how hard it tried she never broke.  Flair was one of the most powered people I have ever met and all she wanted was to use it for was good. The kids were always so amazed when she would light the campfire with just a snap."

     My heart begins to swell with emotion, emotion that I don't know how to express. "Then this guy walks into her life out of nowhere. He's tall and blond, has the dreamy blue eyes. I could tell from the moment she met him she was hooked. Flair never let anyone in and to see that brat finally let someone else get close with her made my heart so happy. Steve she loved you so much, I remember when we were back at our hideout she sat with me and told me everything. She sat down with me and said he's the one I want, I can't picture my life with anyone else. You guys weren't even together yet and she knew you were the one for her. Steve you gave her so much strength and happiness, I have never seen her so happy. All I can say is thank you, thank you for loving her like no one else ever did. Thank you for seeing my beautiful daughter as a human and not the monster she thought she was."

       Tears rapidly fall from both of our eyes unable to stop. I can't hold it in anymore, the pain is too much. This girl had my entire heart.

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