Chapter 15:

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      The sun hasn't even broke the skyline when we get there. Everyone gets to their positions to lead the people out before anything happens. I run from building to building setting off the smoke detectors by snapping my fingers and holding up a small flame. Steve tried to direct traffic which isn't going to well.

       "Struggling over there Rodgers?"I laugh. "Shut up."he laughs back. Suddenly hundreds of robots begin to appear. "Okay everyone go! Run!"I tell all the civilians as I send fire balls towards the bots. The earth then begins to shake and Tremor. I look down the street to see that somehow we are being lifted into the air. Clint comes running to me as Ultron speaks. "Do you see? The beauty of it, the Inevitability of it? You rise only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me, it means nothing. When the dust settles the only thing living in this world will be metal."

         "You okay?"Clint asks. "After all that? Yeah I'm fantastic."I say sarcastically. I do my best to fight off all of these things but it is a lot harder than it looks. Then I hear Steve's voice, "the rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed...walk it off." Well that was comforting. "Clint go help Wanda!"I yell, I'll shield you!" He does exactly that until a explosion goes off sending the three of us through a window.

      Blood trickles down my arm from the cuts but I'm alive. "How could I let this happen?"Wanda chants. "Hey, hey, you okay?"Clint asks. "This is all our fault."she responds. "Okay and you?"he turns to me. "Just peachy."I groan as I get to my feet and peer around the edge of the wall. "Hey look at me,"Clint says as he turns back to her, "it's your fault, it's everyone's fault. Who cares? Are you up for this?"

        She doesn't say a word. "Are you?"he repeats, "look cause if your not you need to let me know cause the city is flying. The city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow, none of this makes any sense." I listen to him as I blast flames towards the robots coming our way. "Might want to hurry this up Barton!"

      "But I'm going back out there because it's my job, and I can't go out there and do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. If you go out there you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you." "Any day now Clint!"I shout. "But if you step out that door you are an Avenger." And with that he ends it. We sprint off and fight off as many as we can but we are getting our asses kicked.

       "Wanda a little help here would be much appreciated!" She does just that and tears them limb from limp. "All clear here."Clint says. "We are not clear here, we are very not clear!"Steve says. "Okay we are in the way Cap."I say. Pietro runs up and grabs his sister out of nowhere. "Keep up old man."he says to Hawkeye. "No body would know, no body. The last I saw him Ultron was sitting on him, yeah he'll be missed. That quick little bastard, I miss him already."

      I chuckle as we run. "No don't do that Clint." "Oh shit I forgot you were here." "Yeah yeah you dick." Suddenly Stark says that we have to blow up this floating city. I knew it, this was going to be it until Fury's voice comes on. "Steve!"I say as I run up to him. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D?" Pietro asks. "This is was it is supposed to be."Steve tells him. "This is not so bad." I smile at him, now having a small strand of hope that we are going to make it.

      Quickly we begin to help people get on the ship. "Let's go everyone, quickly, quickly." Pride fills me as I watch people get to safety. Maybe I can make it has superhero. "Avengers it's time to work for a living, get to the core." Steve and I sprint as fast as we can and listen to Stark's plan. Ultron flies up and stairs is down. "Is that the best you can do?!"Thor shouts at him. We all watch as he lifts his hand and hundreds of other robots join him. "Has to ask."Steve says clear annoyed.

      "Doesn't matter we got this! No let's kick some robot ass!"I shout. "This is exactly what I wanted, all of you against all of me. How could anyone stop me."Ultron gloats. "Well like the old man said....together."Stark tells him. Hulk let's out a battle cry and they all run our way. I feel my eye glow and see my veins turn this extremely bright red color. Flames fly from my hands, the heat of them so hot they could rival the sun.

       Suddenly all the robots try to retreat. "We can't let them leave the city." "You guys get to the boats I'll sweep for stragglers."Steve says. "No I'm going with you. I can help." "Flair there is no time to argue so please listen to me." "No you listen to me. I'm not letting you do this alone. We can get everyone out faster if there are two of us. It's my job, now let me do it. Now you go that way and I'll go this way, got it." He just nodded before planting a kiss on me. I smile before taking off.

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