Chapter 11:

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A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I strip of my pants, leaving my self in my underwear and tank top. This sudden knock appears before my door swings open. "Oh my god I am so sorry!"Steve says as he covers his eyes. I can feel the heat of the hot pink and red blush spreading across my cheeks.

"It's okay ummm shit I don't have anything else to change back into." Carefully he walks further into my room, closing the door with his foot. "I'm gonna remove my hand from my eyes but I promise I won't look."he says. "Okay."I respond. Slowly he removes his hand that covered his beautiful eyes as he rummages through his bag. "Here you can sleep in one of my t-shirts afraid I can't help in the pants department though." Blush spreads across his cheeks as his eyes look me up and down, as if I was a tall glass of water and he had been out in the desert forever. "Sorry I didn't mean to look, I even promised not to look."he says as he quickly turns away.

A small smirk falls on my face as I gently take the shirt from his outstretched hand. I throw it in to the still untouched mattress as my hands nervously reach up to cup his face. "Steve it's okay, I'm not upset." "I know but still." "Listen I know you are a gentleman but every gentleman looks every once in a while so don't sweat it."

He swallows hard as he shakes his head. I remove my hands and turn to face the wall, his shirt tightly in my grasp. This nervous breath leaves my lips as I slowly begin to peel of the tank top, exposing my bare back. I can hear him suck in a sharp breath making me smile but my nervous feeling doesn't go away. I have done this in front of a man before, well at least not in awhile anyway.

       My eyes just barely glance over my shoulder to see Steve Rodger drinking me in and I have to say I loved every single second of it. With another smirk I grab the bottom of the shirt he gave me and throw it over my head. The bottom of the shirt cuts off just below my butt, allowing everything that needs to be covered, covered.

      "Soo umm what are you doing in here?"I ask as I spin around and pull my hair out from under the fabric. "Clint said we need to double up. He said there was a spot open in here but didn't know who was in here." That lying ass, Clint totally knew I was up here because this used to be my room when I stayed with them.

       Although I can't complain if I had to choose to have anyone sleep in here with me it would be Steve. "I'll umm set up on the floor for the night."his voice breaks my thoughts as my eyes jump to his. "Nonsense I'm totally comfortable with you sleeping in the bed with me. I have no problem with it Steve." He gives a simple nod and begins to get ready for bed. "Would you be okay if I slept in my boxers? I kinda gave you the shirt I was gonna sleep in since the other one is dirty." "I'm totally fine with that."

         With that I turn and round and crawl into the warm bed. The mattress is just like how I remember it, not to soft and not to hard. The blankets are heavy and warm, it make me feel like I'm sleeping on a cloud. Suddenly I can feel the bed sink next to me as Steve climbs in and turns out the light.

       He gives a deep sigh before letting the silence consume the room. Thoughts of him and his past begin to flood my mind. Before I know it I'm blurting out his name. "Steve are you still awake?" Shit. Well there is no going back now. "Yeah I'm still up." "Listen I haven't really gotten to know you much since I guess being on this team and I was hoping I don't know maybe we could do that."

     I can feel his deep chuckle and practically hear his smile as he says "yes we can." I smile as I turn to my other side and face him. "I want to know about you and Peggy mostly, what was she like?" "She was this amazing woman who didn't let anyone get in her way of doing what she though was right. You seem to be a lot like her in that sense." "What were you like before the war?"I ask quietly. "Well I was definitely smaller than I am now. I don't know I was bullied a lot, had some health problems and lost my parents at a young age but my best friend help me get through it all. Well him and wanting to serve my country. It's all I ever wanted to do ever since I was younger."

       With out even realizing it I had moved closer two him. It was to the point where our faces were a mere inches away, honestly maybe even less than that. "Flair there is something I have to tell you."he says abruptly, cutting through the newly found silence. "What is it?" He swallows hard as his hand gently rest on my cheek.

     "Even though I haven't know you for long I have fallen head over heels in love with you. I don't see you as some Hydra mutant, I see you as a beautiful young woman who served her country proudly. To me you are amazing and perfect the way you and I will be damned if anybody ever....". I cut him off by smashing his lips to mine.

      They were so soft and warm that it made me instantly feel comfortable. "Change that."he finishes in a shaky tone as I slowly pull away. "I feel the same way about you Steve." He doesn't say anything from that point at he gently pulls me in for another kiss, his one hand gently holding my face while his other arm wraps around my hips pulling me into him.

       My heart flutters as I continue to kiss him, not even caring  to breath. Being with him feels as if the burning fire with in has been put out. It makes me feel good and in control. Being in his arms makes me feel safe like those bastards will never hurt me again. In that moment alone I felt the world melt away and peace rise up from with in. Truth is that is all I ever wanted and I found it in Steve.

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