Authors Note:

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Thank you to everyone reading this book and supporting me. You guys are truly awesome and amazing, and I know I always say that but I really do mean I from the bottom of my heart. You guys are the best!

Unfortunately as you can see this story has come to an end. Now if you have been following me in my Bucky Barns Books you know that I said I would be continuing on with that series when Falcon Winter Soldier comes out. I have know idea if they will talk about Cap's death or if he is still around in the show so whatever happens with that I will try and figure out.

I don't plan on changing the ending unless I absolutely have to but even then the ending with probably remain the same. If you want to read more about Bucky and Blue's story then I would love it if you checked out my book Shock Waves and it's Sequel Storm Warning. As you can see both this book and that series is intertwined with each other.

I hope all of you enjoyed this book! I definitely chocked up writing this book especially the ending. I also wanted to send my prayers out the the king himself and his family, Chadwick Boseman. Rest in power king! Wakanda Forever.

-April ♥️

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