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I listen to the sound of heart monitors beeping and music from when I was a kid playing. Two people are in the room with me as I rest. Blue gently holds my hand while Bucky holds her. My breathing isn't doing the best and I just over all feel weak. I look at our two hands, mine now wrinkled. This smile falls on my lips as I remember going back and spending my life with Peggy. It was the best decision I ever made.

I wanted to go back and be with Flair but unfortunately going back in time would not have changed her outcome. We still wouldn't of had time together. "Hey Cap." I turn and see Barton standing in my door way with Sam and an old friend of mine. "I figured you might want to see a special someone he's says with a smile. Moose wags his tail as he slowly walks over to my bedside. "You getting old there Moose, what happened to you."I laugh as I reach over and let him.

He wags his tail as I pet him gently. The others watch and smile as I do. "I'm glade you brought him cause now I can say goodbye." Hearing those words sends the room into silence but I'm ready to go. I'm ready to see my loved again. "Steve, don't say that."chokes Blue. Hurt and heartbreak fills her eyes as I grip her hand. My eyes look down at her beautiful wedding ring and I can't help but smile.

"You know one of the best days of my life was walking you down that isle. It is my favorite memory of you. Blue you don't know how gorgeous you looked in your dress."I tell her as I watch her smile and cry. "Bucky you have no idea how lucky you are to have this girl. I know you love and cherish her but keep doing that, she deserves the absolute world.

After that I give my goodbyes to everyone else, the room stricken with tears. Then my old eyes turn to my best friend. "Saying goodbye to you is I think going to be the hardest one of all Buck. It seems like just yesterday I got you back after years of thinking you were dead." He smiles as tears reach his eyes. "You're a good man Bucky, you have always been a good man. I'm sorry the world didn't see you that way. Blue you take care of him because just like he is extremely lucky to have you, your extremely lucky to have him. This man would walk to the ends of the earth for you. He would do anything to keep you safe. He is a truly great man." She nods as she kisses his hand.

"I'm with you till the end of the line Steve." "I'm with you too Buck but it is the end of the line for me." I watch as the tears now stream down both of our faces. We give each other one last hug before I lay back and clutch Flair's dog tags. "I'm ready to go home."I say softly, "that you all of you for a true oh amazing life. I love you all."with that I give Blue's hand another squeeze.

This bright light beckons me towards it. I walk out of the darkness and into the light. I look around me and see sun and happiness, my eyes drifting to my hands only to see smooth skin. I'm young again. "Hey Cap." Her voice. God it's her voice! I quickly spin around and see her standing there. She is just as beautiful as the night I met her. "Hello Flair."I smile. Her perfect smile forms on her face as she takes my hand. "Welcome home my love."

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