Chapter 16:

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"Everyone go, go, go!"I yell as I get them to a ship. I hear these blood curdling screams making me turn to find them. Two children are being chased by a robot trying to shoot at them. Steve seems to have heard them too and makes a run for it. I sprint towards them and let the flames free. It seems to knock it down to the ground and end it's strange life.

"Kids I need you to listen to me."I say as I turn to them, "run to that ship,okay? We will find your mom and dad later just get to that ship. Someone will help you in there." They nod and back away when there is this really sudden sharp pain in my stomach. Horror spreads across their little faces as I look down. Blood seeps through my shirt and coats my hand as I clench my stomach. "Flair?"Steve says to me. I turn around and the thing standing on its feet and I make sure not to hold back!

I scream I as let everything inside me go. My body feels so tired and everything begins to spin but I'm not letting up. I'm not letting it win! It falls to its knees getting another shot in me as it goes. I cry out in agony as I look at the wound in my right shoulder. With another blast the thing explodes as I crumble to my knees. "Guys I have a bit of a situation here."I say over the head set, practically gasping for air. "Flair what's wrong?"Natasha asks me. "She's been shot!"Steve calls out.

With that I fall into his arms. My hand grasps my stomach as some sort of attempt to stop the bleeding. "You're going to be alright."he tells me as his hand lands on mine. Black spots start to appear in my vision. "Steve you need to get to a ship."I tell him as my other hand holds his. "No I'm staying right here with you. We are going to get on together." Steve I'm not going to make it."I tell him softly, my hand trembling as I try to reach for his face.

     "Yes you are don't say that." Tears leave his beautiful eyes and fall down his cheeks. I take one of my hands and reach into my shirt and pull out my dog tags. With a harsh tug I pull them off and hand them to him. "Remember me as a soldier, someone who always tried to do the right thing." "Please Flair...". "I love you Steve Rodgers, I am so happy to have met you. Thank you."I tell him, my voice beginning to shake as I feel the tears ready to fall. "Please don't go."he begs, "please, please don't go." I don't say another word and just give him a soft kiss. Tears slip from the corners of my eyes. "Goodbye my love."

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