Chapter 3:

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      "Seriously Flair?!" My eyes shoot open to see Clint standing over me. "Shit!" "Really you were that tired that you had to sleep all day?" "Well to be fair someone woke me up at 4 this morning to tell me about a damn party and then trained with me till noon, so yeah I'm a little tired."I snip as I quickly begin peeling off some small articles of clothing.

      "Would you just hurry up we are going to be late." "Who shows up to parties on time now a days?" He doesn't say anything as I basically sprint to the bathroom. I'm in such a rush that I don't even notice that the water is on a cold setting, spraying me with its icy cold droplets. "Holy shit!"

"Everything okay in there?"I hear Clint ask. "Yeah, water is just really cold." "Good maybe it will make your ass move faster." I roll my eyes as I speed through my shower routine but still making sure I shave my legs. What can I say I don't get out much so they got a little hairy.

After a few more minutes I shut the water off, dry off and begin putting on my make up. Looking in the mirror I see just how much my eyes really pop with the smokey eye look I did. Quickly I begin to blow dry my hair and then slip on my dress and heels before meeting Clint in the living room. "Okay, how do I look?"I ask as I just my bracelet.

"Absolutely stunning."he smiles. I can't help but blush a little. "Now let's go."he demands. "Ugh okay dad."I joke. He just rolls his eyes as we make our way out the door.

As soon as the elevator doors open I see a crowd of people. "Oh wow, so this is what a famous Stark party looks like."I say as I take everything in. Clint just remains silent as he begins to escort me around. Eventually we stop to talk to this small group of people. "I'm gonna go say hi to Nat and get a drink."I tell him before walking off.

My nerves are getting the best of me and right now I just want to escape and go somewhere less crowded, surprisingly the bar is almost empty. There are only some older men at the bar and Nat behind it. "Wow you look pretty."she smiles as I approach. "Thank you as do you." "What can I get you?" "I don't know something light, I don't want to get messed up just yet." "It's too early for that anyway, how about a beer?" "Perfect."

She gently places it on the bar before taking a sip from her drink. "How are you liking the party?"she asks. "I mean it's really nice considering I have only been in the training room of this building but it's umm definitely a lot of people."I say nervously. "This is small compared to some of Tony's others." I don't say anything and decide to take a sip from my bottle.

Suddenly two more men come to the bar. They are much younger than the other men sitting here. One has long blond hair while the other one has short, both are very muscular with blue eyes. The short haired one in particular catches my attention though. He has this amazing white smile that he flashes at the men. "Okay I know you guys are part of the Avengers and all but I don't know who is who, I know names but I don't know faces."I tell Nat. I give a quick head tilt in their direction making her realize who I'm talking about.

"The taller long haired one is Thor, he's the one from Asgard, and the other one is Steve who is Captain America." "Not bad looking guys."I tell her before another swig. "Out of the two I would go for Steve but I have eyes for someone else."she tells me, her eyes watching someone in the crowd.

Following her gaze I see a man with curly black hair, a nice black jacket and pants with a dark blue shirt. "He seems kinda nerdy, didn't think that was your type."I say spinning back to her. "That is Bruce Banner aka Hulk." Her words nearly make me choke one my beer. "No way! I love him, he's just so cool." "I know."she smirks.

We spend a few minutes talking when I'm suddenly bummed into, thankfully I don't spill anything on my dress. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." "Oh it's okay."I say politely before looking up to see who I'm talking to. Captain America stands tall beside me, a small smile on his face. "I didn't spill anything on you did I?" "Oh no! Trust me I'm totally fine."I smile.

He smiles back but then continues with the others. Part of me hurts a little because he didn't stay to talk but then Nat seems to pick up on my thoughts. "Don't take it personally, he's shy around beautiful women." My fingers clutch my beer still unsure of how to feel.

"This has been aged for 1000 years, barrels built from the wreck of Broncos fleet not meant for mortal men."Thor tells the old men. "Neither was Omaha beach blondie stop trying to scare us."responds one of the men. Thor shrugs and pours some into his glass.

"Well if it's too strong for mortal men then what about me?"I suddenly interject. Both Thor and the Captain turn to me, shock on their faces. "What, if your giving some to the old man you should at least share with me."I smirk. Once again he shrugs, Nat hands him a shot glass and he pours the liquid in.

He carefully hands me the glass, all their as watching me. My eyes dart to all of theirs but land on Cap's blue ones. This sense of comfort entering my stomach. With a single swing I through my head back and completely swallow the drink, smacking the glass on to the bar and shrug. "Not bad." All their jaws lay on the floor as I turn back to my beer.

From that point on I see Cap periodically looking over at me, this smirk plastered on his chiseled face. After awhile the room begins to really feel stuffy so I grab my beer and slip out the door and onto the balcony.

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