Chapter 18:

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Her heart monitor beeps softly as I just sit in the chair. "Steve darling what's wrong?" My eyes jump to Penny's. I feel terrible for being here. I love Penny but I loved Flair more. I needed her like I need air. "Nothing."I tell her softly. "Don't lie Steve." Once again I don't say anything. For the first time in my life I don't have the courage to do anything.

"There is another isn't there."she says softly. My eyes meet hers as I nod. "I knew there was, I could tell the last time I saw you." "How do you remember that?"I ask. "I may forget things but I have always remembered the look of love in your eyes. They never once left my mind, burned there forever. That's the look you had in your eyes the last time you came. I knew you would find another, I wanted you too." "But why Peggy?" "You were stuck in the past. You never moved on from something that could never be. I only hoped she would come along and that you loved her as much as you loved me. Hopes that she loved you more than I do. I wanted her to make you happy and help you move on. Steve, I'm not going to be around for ever. It was time you got your happy ending."

Happy ending? How am I supposed to have a happy ending now?! She's gone! Tears flood my eyes as I try so desperately hard not to cry. "Did she not love you?"she asks. " wasn't that. She no longer with us, she's an angel now." And that was all it took, saying those made me cry like I have never cried before.

"I'm sorry my love." I feel her hand rest on mine as I use the other to try and wipe some tears away. "I'm sure she was beautiful." "She was gorgeous Penny, she had this fiery spirit just like you do. I wish you could have met her, you would have loved her." I though hearing me talk about Flair would hurt her but she smiled the whole time. "All I ever wanted was to see you happy again. You have a smile on your face that grows the more you talk about her."

"It feels like it's not real. I keep thinking I can just walk to her apartment but I can't. The worst part is I actually did." Her careful eyes just watch mine as I feel the warmth of tears again. "I walked to her apartment and stood in front of the door. I nearly knocked when I remember that she wasn't there to answer the door. She will never be there to answer the door."

I remain silent until I can't contain it any longer. Everything just erupts and I can't stop it. I can't stop crying or shaking or thinking about her, I just can't stop! I keep seeing her beautiful eyes in my head. Everything I close my eyes it's like I can feel her sleeping next to me in bed, getting as close as she could. I was happy and now my heart is so broken that i don't know if it will ever get fixed. I loved her.

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