Chapter 7:

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~Flair's POV~

Days have passed since the party and he remains on my mind. I don't know what it was about him it he just won't get out of my head. Maybe it was his smile, I mean he really does have this charming smile, or maybe it was the way he spoke. He really does have a nice voice and the way he talks about things is just so...the sound of knocking on my door grabs my attention as Moose barks his head off.

"Moose stop."I command while approaching. My right eye peers through the peep hole to see a tall blond on the other side of my door; Moose still barking. With a deep breath I swing open the door, the one and only Steve Rodgers stands on the other side. "Well look who it is. What can I do for you Steve?"

This goofy smile appears on his face at the sound of his name. "Hello to you too." Moose just keeps barking and barking until I have finally had enough "Moose enough already!" He finally stops but remains by my side, curious yet hesitant of the strange man that has now entered my apartment. "Service dog?"he asks as he slowly reaches his and out.

      The two of us watch carefully as Moose carefully approaches him. His wet nose gently sniffs Steve's hand until his tail starts to wag. "To answer your question yes he was a military service dog. Clint got him for me to help plus to have a companion since I'm almost always alone." "How did Clint get him." "His handler was shot and killed and Moose was severely wounded. They patched him up but since he had no handler and served his country they sent him back to the states to the shelter. Clint found him and picked him up. He figured Moose and I could help each other adjust to normal life again."

Steve slowly stands and turns to me. "Well I'm glad he has someone like you."this warm smile appears on his face. "Anyway what can I help you with Cap?" "Right ummm we are going to find Ultron, he's somewhere in this place called Wakanda or something. I figured maybe you should take along since he attacked you too." The room is quiet for a few moments until I finally speak. "When do we leave?"

Everyone takes their seats while I just sit comfortably on the floor away from the others. It's not that I want to antisocial it's just I don't really know them and I tend to not get close to people anymore. "Everything okay over here?"Nat asks me as she joins me. "What? Oh yeah I'm fine." "Really because you are sitting on the floor away from everyone else." "Just keeping my distance that's all."I tell her with an almost convincing smile.

       "Why are you keeping your distance?"she asks. "Why do you keep asking so many questions?" Nat doesn't say anything else after that and walks away. I can feel the ship begin to lift off the ground as Stark makes it take off. "Alright everyone we will be there in a few hours so get some sleep while you can." Tony announces. I begin to take him up on that, allowing my head to dip back and rest against the wall behind me.

      "There is no way that is comfortable."Clint says as he sits besides me. "I mean I was doing great until you showed up." "Ouch."he jokes. I playfully rolls my eyes as I elbow him. "Come on, rest on my shoulder. It's sure as hell way more comfortable then doing that." I don't say anything as I take him up on the offer.

      Strands of my head begin falling in my face forcing me to push them behind my ear. "Let me guess Natasha sent you over here to check on me." "No.....okay yes but she just want to be sure you are okay. This is your first mission who knows what to expect." "I know but it's time for me to do my part." With a deep sigh and concerned look he nods his head in acceptance. With the silence growing between us I let my eyes close as we head towards Ultron.

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