Chapter 19:

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        The click of the lock releasing allows me to step inside. Everything is just how she left it, dust starting to collect everywhere. The sudden sound of clicking grabs my attention. I turn around to see her dog Moose standing in the hall. He looks confused and sad. I wonder what will happen to him now.

"Come here boy."I say softly as I pat my leg. He pants and walks over to me for scratches. "You know you kinda suck as a guard dog."I try to joke. He just looks up and gives me this sad gaze, as if he knows neither one of us is feeling any better. "I know boy, I wish she were here too."

I feel the heat in my eyes as I try to not cry. I keep trying not to but I just can't help it. The pain is so much and I didn't even know her that long! We had just started dating! I guess that was the thing, we never got the chance to let our relationship really blossom. I felt like I knew her for the past how many years ago. It just hurts.

Suddenly I hear quiet sobs coming from another room. Moose seems to hear them too and walks that way leaving me to follow. As I follow I notice hardly any pictures hung on the walls, not pictures of really any family with the exception of some. I'm those pictures were Clint and his family, Flair at their side. Pictures with Natasha were there as well but that was about it.

She really was alone in this world. Clint and his family including Natasha was it. Just seeing this made my heart hurt even more. After I keep exploring I see one picture in particular. She and Clint sit side by side smiling with Moose right by their side. They looked so happy, even Moose seemed to be smiling. "That was the one day she actually wanted to take pictures." I turn to see a red eyed Barton sitting on her bed. Guess that explains the sounds I was hearing.

Moose lays by his feet, his tail not even bothering to wag. "I told myself I shouldn't have come here but I figured I should try and pack up some of her stuff."he just sniffles and looks down at his hands. "You know I wanted to give you Moose here but I really don't know if I could part without him." "Clint he belongs with you. He deserves to go with the man who was her father and run around on all that land. He doesn't need to be with a guy he barely knows."

"It just hurts so much."he sobs. " I know, I haven't been able to stop myself from crying either. She was truly special." He doesn't say anything and just nods his head. "You did a great job with her Clint, you helped create a beautiful, strong, independent woman. Biologically or not she was your daughter, no one else, yours." "Thank you Steve, thank you for loving her the way she should have been loved."

Hearing those words finally makes my tears fall. He pats my back but I just let them go. We don't say much for the rest of the night, instead we spend most of it in silence. We spend the time reflecting on the amazing woman we both loved deeply, and let the time to heal us begin.

Hidden Flame~ Steve Rodgers~ Where stories live. Discover now