Chapter 17:

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~Steve's POV~

Her eyes closed and never opened again. I pulled her body in to me and sobbed for a few seconds. What was most near and dear to me is now gone. She gave me a future to actually look forward to. Footsteps suddenly surround me, small gasps filling the air. "She's gone."I sniffle. Thor carefully places his hand on my shoulder as I try to contain my feelings.

     "Rodgers, we need to go." I remain in my spot. "Steve, I need you to listen to me."Tony suddenly says, "she's gone. This rock is about to blow you need to leave. Grab her and we will make sure that she didn't die in vein. We will bring her justice but you need to get to a ship. Please buddy.....we can't loose you too." Again I sniffle in response and gently lift her up. Her head hangs as I carry my love to the ship.

This all felt like some sort of dream, none of this felt real. We didn't have time, we were supposed to have time together. Gently I lay her down on the floor of the ship, her hand resting on her stomach, eyes closed looking like she is in peace. She thought of herself as this monster but that was never true. She just wanted to be good.

Her dog tags were clutched so tightly in my hand I felt them cutting my skin. The pain didn't hurt, I was numb, completely and totally numb. Another hand finds it's way to my shoulder but I don't bother to see who it is, frankly I don't care. "I'm sorry."her voice was shaken and broken. I look up and see just how broken she is. "I loved her too, she was family." I don't say anything but instead I stand and wrap her in my arms.

I have never seen Natasha this way, she sobbed into my uniform to the point I felt her tears on my skin. My eyes try to look around but they only land on Clint who is sitting not to far away. I don't see emotion on his face, he's just....sitting there. He didn't look numb, he didn't look broken, he looked shattered. "He's hurting more than you could ever imagine, even if he's not showing it." I turn to look at Nate who is also watching him.

      Slowly I make my way over to him, not know what to say. What I could even say? Flair was like daughter to him. He did so much for her, he is the reason she was who she was. "Clint.....I wish I had the words to.....I just wish I had the words but nothing I say will ever make this any less painful." He doesn't look at me, he just keeps looking at her. "I'm sorry......she was truly someone special." It's those words that make him look at me.

"She was someone special and forever will be. I'm sorry too." "Why are you apologizing to me?"I ask confused, "she was you daughter." "Flair may have been my daughter but, she was your better half." Hearing that broke me even more. I have never felt such pain. Everything I ever imagined with her was gone, marriage, kids, everything was gone. It disappeared in a cloud of smoke, just like her.

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