Chapter 2:

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        My body lands harshly against the rubber mats. "Damn it."I snap as I smack it with the palm of my hand. "Wow you are really off your game today."Natasha tells me, "what happened to that marine training?" In the moment I swing my leg out from hers, making her fall flat on her back. I smirk as I hear her groan.

      Carefully I get up and dust my hands off before getting back in my stance. Nat gets up and looks at me. "So what is this party for anyway?"I ask as she and I begin training again. "We are celebrating our mission tonight."Clint says.

      "Yeah it's going to be great, booze, people, booze."Nat smiles as she tries to strike me. I quickly block her before saying, "do I have to wear a dress? Can't I just show up in jeans and a t-shirt?"  "Stark's party you have to dress nicely."She grunts. A small groan slips from my lips as she kicks me in my side.

     Some how I manage to get a jab in making her stumble back. I look to Clint for recognition but as soon as I do I'm on my back. I feel my eyes begin to glow and the familiar burning sensation in my hands. "Control it Flair, you need to control your power."Clint says as he presses his foot to my stomach. More and more anger just continues to consume me but I fight the urge to push him off.

        I could never hurt Clint, not after everything he has done for me. "You need to calm down."he says. I begin trying to do as he says by taking a few deep breaths. Eventually the burning begins to lessen and my eyes go back to their original green. "She's getting better at calming down faster so that's a good thing."Nat states as she helps me up. "She's not like Banner so that's even better."

      I just block out what they say, the feeling of defeat rising in the pit of my stomach. I do try really hard to not get angry or frustrated but I always fail. No matter what I do to try and control it, it just doesn't happen. "Hey don't beat yourself up kiddo, you have come a long way. With more time and practice you will get better."Clint tried to cheer me up as he pats my back. "Yeah, I'll just ummm see you guys later tonight." With that I throw on my hoodie, placing the hood on top of my head, and grab my bag before making my way to the door.

      The doors slide open allowing me to swiftly leave Stark's training room but not with out bumping into someone first. "Oh sorry."I quickly say while still keeping my face covered. "Oh it's umm alright."the voice says but I don't bother looking back, I just keep walking on.

      Exhaustion consumes me as I throw myself onto the squeaky bed. Oh how desperately I just want to close my eyes and sleep for 40 years. Moose apparently sees this as an opportunity to jump on my bed and lay on top of me. "Moose I love you but get off of me." He gives me an annoyed huff before he does as told.

Slowly I turn to the clock and see that it's noon. I mean I could take a nap for a few hours, the party isn't until later and Clint said he wouldn't be here till 7. Nope, no I can't, I still have to shower, do laundry, and a bunch of other things. Then before I know it everything goes black.

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