Chapter 9:

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      "Flair? Flair hey we are here."Steve's voice says I begin to wake. "Where exactly is here?"I ask him, noticing the blanket currently resting on top of me. "A safe house, Barton brought us here." Those words make me immediately look to Clint. I know exactly where he brought us, in just shocked that he did.

      With the help of Steve I am brought to my feet, leaving the blanket to fall to the floor. Tall grass licks my finger tips as we walk through the familiar field. My grip tightens on Steve's arm as my head turns toward tree line. I remember running from that very spot on that morning. Honestly I'm so thankful that I did.

      Steve gently wraps his arm around my waist pulling me into him as we begin to walk the stairs. It's a gentle grip but a tight one at the same time. "Honey, I'm home. I brought company."Clint announces. Just then Laura appears from around the corner, the look of shock and excitement cascading on her face. "Sorry, didn't call ahead."Clint apologizes before wrapping her in a warm embrace.

      "This is an agent of some kind."Tony says. "Gentleman this is Laura." "I know all your names."she says with a small chuckle. The boys just wave, well all except for Steve. Instead he keeps a firm grip on me almost as if he was scared to go let go. "Uh-oh incoming."Clint says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

      "Daddy!" "Hi sweetheart! Hey buddy, how are you guys doing?" "These are smaller agents."Tony says as he watches. "Did you bring auntie Nat and auntie Flair?" This warm smile falls on my face as Steve looks from them to me. "Why don't you hug her and find out."Natasha says as with a smile. I join her as the kids run up and hug us both.

      "Sorry for barging I'm on you."Steve says. "Yeah we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed."Tony adds. "Yeah well Fury helped me set this up when I joined."Clint tells them. Small conversations continue amongst them but instead I decide to step away from the party and head upstairs with Laura and Clint. "We still have some of your old clothes here Flair."she tells me as she hands me a white tank top, flannel, jeans and boots. "Thank you."I tell her with a warm smile.

       With that I take them and change before heading outside. Quietly I watch from the porch as Steve and Tony chop wood. Flashbacks of everything that happened to me run through my head on a constant loop so I decide to take a walk. The sudden sound of my boots on the wooden porch catch the boys attention but I don't bother stopping.

      Arguing seems to break out the moment I seem to leave. "Don't take from my pile."is the only thing I hear before the sound of running footsteps join me. "How may I help you Captain America."I say playfully as I stuff my hands in my back pockets. "Wow we have gone back to the stage name."he says although I can hear the smirk on his face.

      "So I'm curious how did you know about this place before any of us?"he asks. "Because this was the place I ran to for sanctuary." Gently he grabs my arm and turns me towards him. "Sanctuary from what?" Confusion and worry fill his beautiful blue eyes. "A few years ago my whole team was killed while I was deployed. This massive bomb went off under our vehicles, I was the only one to survive. I sat besides my two best friends bodies when I was attacked. An organization called Hydra planted the bombs and was planning on taking whoever survived. They are the ones who made me who I am. When I ran away I hid in several different places and cities, the minute they got two close I ran again. On day I broke into the wrong house. That's how I met everyone and knew about this place. Barton took me in and has helped me out ever since."

He doesn't say anything but instead just pulls me into a warm embrace. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."he says into my hair. "It's okay, it was along time ago."I say softly as I pull away. My hands and veins begin to softly glow. "Now I can avenge my friends but the right way or as best I can." He just gives and understanding smile before we continue on our way.

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