Chapter 8:

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      "Stark is a sickness!"Ultron's voice echos as we finally approach him. "Awe junior, you're gonna break your old mans heart."Stark says as he lands in the Iron Man suit. "If I have too." "Damn someone has daddy issues."I whisper to Steve. He gives me this confused look telling me he doesn't really understand what I'm talking about.

      "Nobody has to break anything."Thor adds. "Clearly you have never made and omelette."Ultron reply's back in this snarky tone. "You beat me by a second."Stark adds, I just roll my eyes as this stupid conversation. "Ahh yes he's funny. It's what? Comfortable?Like old times?"one of the people behind him interjects, one of the twins I'm assuming. "This was never my life."Stark tells him. "You two can still walk away from this."Steve adds. "Oh we will."says the woman. "I know you've suffered."Steve continues to tell them.

      "Ahh Captain America, God's righteous man. Pretending you can live without a war. I can't physically throw up I my mouth, but..." "If you believe in peace then let us keep it."Thor says as he cuts Ultron off. "I think you are confusing peace with quiet." "Uh-huh what's the vibranium for?"asks Stark. "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."

        Just then he begins pulling Stark into him with this magnetic pull sort of thing before shooting lasers at him. The twins start to come after us but I quickly pulled the knife I had tucked away and throw it. The silver blade intentionally miss just by a hair and sticks in the wall behind the woman.

      Out of nowhere some of the bots come down and start attacking us. The heat in my veins begins to flow heavily as my hands glow their normal orange red color. I press my hand to the machines chest allowing a current of flames shoot through it. Tossing the body off I see Steve struggling with the ones attacking him. With quick thinking my body detects the heat with in the bots and with a snap of my fingers they burst into flames. "Thanks." "Don't mention it."I tell him before running towards the woman.

       Just then I notice these red currants flowing from her hands. She is just about to use whatever the hell it is on me but I duck just in time. This loud grunt catches my attention as I see it collide with Steve. I don't have time to help him as she is about to get away. Quickly I grab my knife from the wall but get slammed into with an extreme amount of force. Pain riddles me but I don't let it detour me from the mission. The woman quickly runs of forcing me to give chase.

        Before I know it the sounds of the fight begin to fade into utter silence. The woman is nowhere to be seen. Out of nowhere I am yet again slammed into this one knocking me off my feet.

        Help. It's all I could think about when I saw everyone laying there motionless, completely still. My heart pounds in my chest as I feel so alone. My eyes jump around looking for them, just hoping to god they are alive. My feet moving faster than my brain as I jump up and search for Dj and Stanford.

After only a few minutes of searching I finally find them. My two best friends lay there so still I though as if maybe they were sleeping. A giant gash rest on Dj's head while the gash in his chest allowed me to see inside of him. His brown eyes staring up at the still blue sky. Stanford was to far away, his torso no longer connected to his lower half. My heart raced and aches all at once. I wanted to cry but nothing came out.

Suddenly I am thrown face first into my friends lifeless corpse. I was pulled back up by my hair allowing myself to fill my lungs with French air. Some how I managed to fight of my attacker and try to make fun for some sort of weapon but I couldn't. This sudden sharp pain enters my right hip as a gun shot rings out.

My body falls through the air only to land on the soft warm sand. Men speaking what sounded like Russian begin to swarm me as I try to right back. My eyes grow wide as they a insert a needle into my veins. "Flair!" I scream and shout for them to stop, my body flailing around but nothing works." "The whole team is down." My eyes slightly flutter open to see Clint carrying me back to the ship. I try to keep my eyes open but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to do it, everything just goes back to black for just a while longer.

The next time my eyes open I see the whole team sitting in silence. My breathing is very raged as sweat drips down my skin. It looks as if I'm not the only one feeling this way though. I search for Steve to find him sitting his hair just barley dangling on his forehead, skin glistening from the sweat, heart racing from the fear.

Out of instinct I reach out for him, my body beginning to shake at the sudden movement. I can't call out to him because when I try my voice doesn't come out at all. After that I just give up and go back to laying in the floor. The sound of Tony's voice enters my ears as he speaks to agent Hill. "How's the team?"she asks. "Everyone is fine. We took a hit. We'll shake it off." He might shake it off but I won't.

From that point all taking stops for a moment. Tony begins to walking over to Clint telling him he will take over flying for a bit so he can get some rest. "If you want to get some shut eye now is a good time,"Clint tells him, "we are still a few hours out." "Few hours out from where?"Tony asks him. "A safe house."

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