Chapter 14:

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~Flair's POV~

          Once again I feel the familiar cool breeze blow on my warm cheeks. As that vision thing was talking I just had the overwhelming urge to leave so I did. I knew this was going to lead to a big battle, and something in my gut was telling me that I wouldn't be making it out. Life of a soldier I guess, once you become one then you are one for life. It doesn't matter if your actually at war or not, you're always fighting some sort of battle until the end.

         Well my end is coming a lot sooner than I would have wanted. I wanted more time.  I wanted to finally be able to put a little good in this world and use these awful powers to help people. I wanted more time with Steve. From the first night right here on the balcony I knew he was something special.

         I felt normal for the first time in a long time. The way his fingers softly run up and down my hip bone, only stopping once they hit my underwear band then traveling back up. The way his arms gently had me wrapped and pulled into him. In this moment I felt like we were the only two people in the world. I felt safe, something I haven't felt in years. In his embrace I knew no one could touch me, he would never let someone hurt me.

      I tried to snuggle closer, trying to seal off any gaps between us. The flames inside were finally put out and I felt human. This was the touch and the love I have been craving for so long. When I roll over the way he kissed the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine. He never let go of me. It was the moment he kissed me I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

        Unfortunately that day has come way faster than I had wanted. This soft knock grabs my attention but I don't turn to see who it is. "Are you okay?" I  don't want to tell him so I lie. "Yeah just ready for all this to be over." "I understand. I want it to be over too because then it can be just us." This warm fuzzy feeling enters the pit of my stomach as I smile but that thought doesn't leave my mind.

"We have to do this though, one last job and then it's just us." "It will never be just us Steve. Hydra will never stop looking for me, plus I'm sure there will be another near extinction level event." "But until another extinction level even happens it will just be us, and you will never have to worry about Hydra again. I will never ever let them get to you."

His strong arms have snaked around my waist as he pulls me into him. Those blue eyes of his sparkling in the city light. It's moments like this that I love, no matter how small they are. Gently he leans in and places a warm kiss on my lips telling me it will be okay, and I hope to god he is right. I beg for this feeling to be wrong. There is no way I can miss out on this.

I love him. I love him too much for me just to go out and give up like that. At this point I'm practically melting into him, his grip become tighter. Please god don't let this be the last time I kiss Steve Rodgers. "Hey Casanova it's time to go."Stark announces. He pulls away from me leaving me begging for more. "Be there in a second Tony."Steve tells him.

"It's time to go."he says as he turns back to me. "One more job?"I ask. "One more job."he smiles. He takes my hand in his and begins to lead the way but I stop him. I have to tell him even if this feeling is wrong, I have to tell him. He turns back to me obviously confused. "I love you Steve Rodgers, with all my heart. I know we haven't known each other very long but I love you."

This relief washes over me. This bright beautiful smile spreads from ear to ear on his face as he picks me up and spins me around. "I love you too Flair Lakota." He finally puts me down and kisses me again. God I hope this feeling is wrong. Tell me I'm wrong.

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