Chapter 5:

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"Ultron."Banner says as he stands beside Nat. "You made this?"I question as I turn to them. "In the flesh, well no not yet."the machine who is apparently named Ultron says. We all just stand there for a minute, unsure of what to do. "I'm on a mission." "What mission?"asks Nat. "Peace in our time."

As soon as he says that more bots fly out. Steve kicks up the table to use as a shield but it doesn't work since I duck and he goes flying. Another one lands on top of him, ready to swing. "Hey asshole!" It looks directly up at me before I send a fire ball through its head. The bot falls limp on top on him as he looks up at me. "Well that explains why Thor's drink didn't affect you." I shrug and continue to help.

More and more come our way but my flames stop them that is until one swoops down and tackles me. "Ugh."I groan as I try to get back on my feet.

They are everywhere at this point. Looking up I see Steve holding on to one of them in the air. I see this as a chance to make a break for it and help Clint but as soon as I do I am knocked to the ground by Steve. "Sorry."he says. "It's fine." The burning sensation in my hands gets hotter and hotter until I can't take it anymore and blast another bot.

"Okay now I think I'm going to need to check your birth certificate." I laugh a little before running off to help Clint. Another one of my blast rings out killing the machine on top of him. "Glad to see you are controlling you power and not burning the place down." "Don't jinx me."

Almost all the bots are gone until I hear a small shriek and see a woman hidden by the piano. Quickly I try to run to help her but I'm slammed to the floor. My head smacks the hard floor sending this sharp pain through me. The thing crawls on top of me, not giving me enough time to set it on fire.

Panic begins to fill me as my mind goes back to that moment.

"Get off of me!"I scream as I try to push the man off. The handcuffs rattle against the metal bed frame as I harshly pull in them. "Soldier step away from the girl, she is an experiment not your personal toy." The man groans as he climbs off, leaving my heart racing and tears slipping down my face.

Suddenly the machine is cut in half, making several parts fly off of it. My eyes jump down to see this red glow coursing through my veins. My breathing is rugged as I sit up and look around. "Hey are you okay?"Steve's voice enters my ears as he reaches a hand out to help me up.

      "What, oh yeah I'm fine. Thank you."I try to smile warmly. "Hope it didn't ruin your dress."he says kindly. "Who cares, it's just a dress."I chuckle. I hear the buzzing sound coming from one last bot. My body seems to pick up on the heat coming from inside it. The glow once again appears in my veins and eyes, once I get close enough I snap my fingers sending a stray spark into its mechanics.

       The bot burst into flames ending this ridiculous battle, but not with out a final words. "I had strings but now I'm free." We all watch as the lights flicker until they are completely black. Everyone stairs at me in bewilderment, "someone care to share what the hell is going on here?"

Before I know it we are all huddled in a room, looking at one of the destroyed bots. "Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape."explains Dr.Banner. "He's been in everything, files, surveillance; probably knows more about us than we know about each other."Nat adds.

At this point I start to tone things out as I stair before me. This flash of orange grabs my attention before I fall to far into thought. "Jarvis was the first line of defense."Steve says as he looks to the ground. "Who and what is a Jarvis?"I ask as I nudge Clint. "He was an AI who helped Stark and everyone with missions, reports, and so much more." I nod as a sign of giving my respects to their fallen friend.

Heavy footsteps makes all look to see a very angry Thor walking in, Stark's throat his target. "Use your words buddy."he chokes. "I have more than enough words to describe you Stark." "Thor."Steve's voice demands attention as he speaks now. With a heavy sigh he puts Stark down and looks to the rest of us. "The trail went cold about 100 miles after it headed North; and it has the scepter, now we have to retrieve it again."

I sigh as I listen to the conversation. Stark's sudden chuckling immediately makes my veins begin to heat up. "Hey now no need for that sparky."he jokes. "If weren't for my help tonight you would have been handed your ass on a silver platter."I snap at him. Steve's blue eyes focus on me as the flames continue to scream from inside.

"This could have been avoided if you didn't play with something you don't understand."Thor says. "He's right, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't do whatever it was that you did."I agree. Thor turns to look at me, his eyes jumping to Steve. "I like her."he smiles at me. I give him this kind smile back before turning back to Stark. "I'm sorry, it is funny, it's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." "Tony maybe this might not be the time."Banner tried to add before getting cut off.

"Really? That's it, you just roll over, show your belly whenever somebody snarls." "Only when I have created a murder-bot." "We didn't."I hear the aggression in Stark's voice get worse and worse, "we weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?" "Well you did something right, and you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to be different from SHIELD."

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a worm hole?" "Oh this again."Clint whispers to me. "I'm gonna head out soon, you staying or going back to the apartment?" "Well I don't have a room here so back to the apartment." He just nods as the conversation finally seems to cease. "We'll lose."Stark says, his eyes carefully watching Steve. "Then we will do that together too."

There are a few moments of silence between everyone so I decided to speak up. "Well now that that's resolved I'm going to head out of here. Mr.Stark it was a lovely party until well the end. Lovely meeting you all, have a goodnight."I say with a nod as I look at Steve. This sudden look of sadness quickly washing over his face. "Captain."I smile warmly before walking towards the door.

       My heels click on the wet cement as rain pours down on me, not a cab in sight. Perfect.

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