Chapert 21:

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~Years later~

       Years have passed but she still ways on my mind. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. It has gotten easier though, I'm not in as much pain and heartache that I was in. The thought of her makes me smirk as I walk through this dingy apartment. I think of how she would make some sort of joke about how dirty it was here and a smile lands on my face.

      The sound of the door knob turning grabs my attention as I turn around to see my old friend standing in front of me. "Do you know me?"I ask him. "You're Steve, I read about you in a museum."he tells me. That's when I notice the girl hiding behind him. "Who is that?" He glances over hi shoulder at her, by how he stiffens up and looks at me I can tell she is someone of importance. "She is none of your concern."he snaps.

"I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be, or you're lying."I tell him. I take a step towards the two when I see the girl push in front of Bucky, shielding him from me. That's when I notice the spark in her eye, it's the same spark I saw in Flairs. That spark tells me she will do anything and everything to protect him. A feeling of warmth bubbles inside as I remember that feeling.

"I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore."he says. "Well the people who think you did are coming here now."I tell them. The girls demeanor changes just ever so slightly when she hears those words. "Their not planning on taking you alive." "That's smart. Good strategy." That's when I tell him that if they get to him they will take her, she will be guilty by association. Poor girl will be dead within the next 5 hours most likely. That's when he protectively pulls her behind him.

      "This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck."I try to plead with him. "It always ends in a fight." Right after that something flies through the window and a bunch of men rush in. I try to help fight them off but that girl does most of the ass kicking. Her eyes glowing this blue color while sparks dance from her fingers. I watch as she takes beating after beating but doesn't give up. "Bucky stop you're going to kill someone!" "I'm not going to kill anyone."

I watch as he tosses a backpack out of the broken window and continues to try and get out. That's when I notice one of the men ready to fire at the girl. As quick as I can I grab her and pull her into me behind my shield. Bullets rattle off as I get a good look at her. Her eyes are a bright blue color with brown hair. In fact her eyes glow the way Flairs did just a different color. This tells me that she was also taken by the same men who hurt Flair. This is why she is so close to Bucky. Just looking at her is see so much of Flair in her.

After a while of fighting off the other guys I jump out of the same window the two did but I don't have enough heart to give chase right now. Instead I let them get a head start. As I catch my breath I look to the sky. Flair is somewhere up there watching down, she created this young girl to take care of one of the only people I have left since my Peggy has joined her. The thought of reuniting with makes me smile.

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