Chapter 13:

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"I lost him! He's headed your way!"I tell the others. "You guys got to go."Clint says. "Yeah no shit!"I hear Flair say. Suddenly this big clang comes over the ear piece. "Cap do you have eyes on Nat?" "If you have the package, get it to Stark."I demand. "Do you have eyes on Nat?!" "Go!"I demand again. "Damn it Clint she's not here, now go do has he says please!" I can hear the anger and announce in her voice but I have not time to worry about it.

"We need to stop this train."she says as she looks ahead, "there are civilians in the way!" Speedy boy zooms out of the train as I turn to his sister. "Can you stop this?" She looks scared for a moment but does what she can. The suddenness of the brakes makes everyone fall to the ground.

Once we come to a complete stop everyone sprints from the train. Flair on the other had looks green in the gills. "Everything okay? You look like your about to puke."I tell her. "Oh yeah I'm fine, don't you know I get on run away trains every weekend. I just love it." "Okay smartass."I chuckle as I help her out. The twins sit off to the side as I approach. "I'm fine, I just need a minute."says the boy. "I'm very tempted not to give you one."I try to say I'm an intimidating tone but Flair just pops a squat next to him.

"Oh lighten up Cap, they helped us." The girl turns from her to me and says "the cradle? Did you get it?" "Stark will take care of it."I tell her. "No he won't." "You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy." "He will do anything to make things right."she responds. There is a long pause until I try and call out to Stark or really anyone. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that from?"

"She has a point Steve."Flair chimes in, "I don't know if we should let Tony play with it, especially with that gem thing. I understand he is a really smart guy but one wrong move and we just wiped out the world." I sigh knowing they both are right.

Light talking echoes through the compound as we make our way towards them. "Yeah you're right it is the end of the line, right here right now."Flair says as she steps out of the shadows. She does her best to try and stall but the work has already started. "I'm going to say this once shut it down. You don't know what you are doing."I tell them. "And you do?"Banner responds. "We know what your about to do is a whole hell of a lot worse than Ultron."she snaps back.

"She's not in your head?"he says looking at the young girl who I now know as Wanda. "I know your angry."Wanda tries to console but it utterly fails. "We are way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Flair defensively stands in front of Wanda shielding her from the angry man. Her eyes and veins beginning to glow. Carefully I put my hand on her arm getting her to cool off. "Banner, after everything that's happened..." "Its nothing compared to what's coming!"barks Tony. "You don't know what's in there!"Flair fires back, the fire from within her beginning to return. "This isn't a game!"

Suddenly Pietro sprints of and unplugs the machine. "No, no. Go on."he says. The sound of a gun goes off and Pietro falls through the floor, his sister calling after him. "What you didn't see that coming?"Barton says as he pins the boy. "Barton get off of him."Flair demands. Her tone was something I have never heard from her before. I honestly didn't think she could sound that hostile especially to Barton.

The cradle then begins to make all sorts of noises causing us all to turn it's way. "I'm rerouting the upload."Stark says. Quickly I throw my shield as he grabs his armored hand. Banner goes for for Wanda while Flair stands in front of Barton with a loaded gun. "Move Flair!" She remains still. "Move! Don't make me do this!" "You won't." She says calmly. My heart rate picks up knowing he won't shoot her unless he has to.

Out of nowhere Thor joins the party. "Wait!"Banner calls as Thor jumps on the cradle and sends lightning through it. I thought for sure he destroyed it but I was wrong. The cradle the explodes sending Thor to the ground. We all watch in amazement as we stair at the red naked man in front of us. He then tries to attack Thor but loses control as he flies nearly crashing through the window. He then stops and stairs at his reflection as he begins to magically clothe himself.

"I am sorry. That was odd. Thank you."he says. "Thor you helped creat this?"I ask. "I have had a vision. A whirlpool at the center of all life is that."he says. "What the gem?" "It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities. "Then why would you bring...."I start but he cuts me off. "Because Stark is right."

"Oh it's definitely end times."Banner comments. "The Avengers will not be able to stop Ultron."Thor adds. "Why does your Vision sound like Jarvis?"I ask. "We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix."Tony says. "I think I have had my fill of new." "You think I'm a child of Ultron."Vision says. "You're not?"Flair asks. "I'm not Ultron. I am not Jarvis...I am." "I looked in your head and say destruction."says Wanda. "Look again."he tells her.

Thor begins to talk about how Ultron has something to do with our fears but I don't pay attention. Instead I just watch her. I can see this overwhelming look in her eyes as she leans against the wall. She's thinking something I just wish I knew what. She then disappears into the shadows with out a word.

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