The Beginning

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Chapter 1

'Have you ever met a person who at first glance you're not attracted to but then you talk and with every word, every smile, every laugh, they become more beautiful until you can't believe there was a moment you didn't think they were.'

(Y/n) POV
I dragged my feet along the crowded hallway, dreading the upcoming week. There were going to be tons of lessons: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Spanish etc. Why do I have to study so many subjects? It's not like I will use all of them in the future! Ugh, I hate this but it's not like I can do anything. I let out a soft groan, shook my head and approached my locker. Opening my locker with annoyance, I slowly took out my books for the lessons until break and slammed the locker shut with force. The loud but satisfying slam made me feel a little better.

The bell rang just as I stepped into the lab. After all the usual greetings, our Chemistry teacher, Mr Smith announced, "We were going to do an experiment on Copper and Nitric Acid today. Since we have an odd number of students, one will not have a partner. Too bad for the person, he or she will have to do the experiment alone."

Instantly, the class became a fish market but quietened down after a while just as abruptly. Of course, as the loner I am in Chemistry lesson, it's too bad for me. Guess I'm going to fail this as usual. Shrugging at that thought, I stared out of the window and "contemplated on life", ah another new term of daydream! . Time seem to have its wings broken, it just wouldn't fly today. I chuckled, what's with me and my bad jokes today!

3rd person POV
Just then, (y/n) saw a brown hair peeking through the windows, heard a shuffle of footsteps, and in came a guy. Seventeen, with the type of impeccable posture only athlete wore, and furrowed eyebrows like he wasn't sure whether he should be here. His eyes lack malice, or any malevolent emotion in general, and his head was tilted and graced with a slight smile, the universal sign of someone who made friends as easy as anything.

(y/n) POV
Mr Smith gestured the new kid towards him , "Alright class, today, we have a new student joining us! Please introduce yourself.."

The class started to whisper and giggle, mostly girls, not even hiding in front of Mr Smith. Mr Smith silenced the class and allowed the new kid to introduce himself.

"Hi guys! I'm Dylan O' Brien, I'm from New York and as you know, I'm new here!"

Dylan... Light gray t-shirt with black coloured skinny jeans, topping off with a pair of white converse. Nice taste I must say.

"He's so hot!"

"I know right, look at that jawline!"

"And his muscles!"

Not that I wanted to eavesdrop but the girls behind me were too loud. Dylan heard those comments too, apparently. He raised an eyebrow, a slight disdainful smirk appearing on his face. The guys at the front were also murmuring something to each other, I bet they were talking about how Dylan was certainly good at sports. Argh! I wish Mylia they all were here!

"You can seat over there and you guys will be lab partners."

I blinked at Mr Smith's voice, to see him strolling towards me. I lifted my shoulder, now I might not fail this experiment. I took the opportunity to take a closer look at him. Not bad. Cute.

"Urm... I'm (y/n)."

Urgh, me and my social skills. I think my eyes hurt from rolling too much to myself. Maybe it's because of the awkwardness in the air, haha, I'm so funny. I zoned out as Mr Smith babbled on about Chemistry and the instructions on how to carry out the experiment. It's not like I could understand what he was saying. He has clear, sparkling brown eyes, silky dark brown hair, thin and light pink lips. Wait what? Why am I staring at him? How did he not notice me staring though? Either that or he just ignored me.

Perfect Chemistry: A Dylan O'Brien fanfic Where stories live. Discover now