Sweet Revenge

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Chapter 22

(Y/n) POV
"Hey, (y/n/n), you did great for the show! Oh my god! I'm so proud of you!"

Malia and I were heading for English class when Malia suddenly brought up the memorable moment that flooded my brain. The thought of it had caused a comforting warmth to spread through me.

"You too, Lia! I loved your performance so much! You should've seen yourself, best performance in history! I'll see you in class. I have to get something from my locker first."

We went our separate ways and I approached my locker. Just as I was about to punch in the combination, a shadow was cast on the locker.

"Hey (y/n)." A high-pitched voice greeted nonchalantly.

Ugh, that voice; made my ears bleed.I turned to the voice, only to see Ava standing behind me, a sly smirk on her face, just like a fox.

Urgh, why was she here? What does she want from me?

"Yes?" I crossed my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes at her.

"Just wanted to say hi, oh yeah, congratulations on dating Dilly. See you in class!" She flashed a crooked smile, sinister.

I cocked my head sideways, puzzled. Why was she talking to me and congratulating me?

Then, Ava brushed past me, her shoulder colliding into mine, hard. It had caught me unaware, sending me stumbling backwards,The impact had almost caused me to lose my balance. It hurt just a little. I let out a gasp of shock. Ava turned to face me, then she walked backwards while she put her hands over her mouth dramatically. "Sorry!" There was not a single bit of sympathy in her voice, she didn't even mean it. Without even waiting for my reply, she strode away arrogantly, just like that. I could have sworn I saw a smug smile tugging at her lips as she turned to walk away.

Urgh never mind.

I didn't want to start a fight with her anyways. First of all, I would beat her ass and get into trouble for sure. Second of all, I didn't feel like putting up a scene. Last of all, Ava was the popular girl, there would probably be some stupid rumour if I chose to fight. The truth was that she was just jealous. One word: good.

Dylan POV
I approached my locker, keying in the combination of my lock and with a click, I was granted access to my Math textbook that nestled in the huge pile of other books and papers. But the moment I opened it, I caught sight of a slip of paper.

Hmm...what's that?

I gingerly grabbed it, my suspicions rising.

On the paper, it said: Meet me in the classroom after school at 4, when everyone leaves. :) —-(y/n).

I smiled to myself. What does (y/n) wanna do? Is it guitar practice or is it some sort of surprise? Guess I'll have to find out for myself.

- Time skip -

I held my wrist up, checking the time. 3:43 pm. I'm just gonna be early and wait for (y/n) in the classroom. I strolled towards the dark and empty room as I pulled the door handle down and pushed the door open. However, even from the start, my instincts told me that something was amiss, very wrong. But I just couldn't put a finger on what it was. I decided to ignore it, thinking that I was just overly paranoid.

"Hey (y/n/n)! Why did you ask me to meet you here? And why are you being so mysterious right now? What's the special occasion?" I exclaimed, even before my eyes found her in the eerie darkness.

She was seated at the back of the classroom, back-facing me. The moment my eyes settled on her, I knew so well that my instincts were right.

Hold on. I was sure that that girl wasn't her. I swear.

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