Heart Broken

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Chapter 26

Dylan POV
The brief feeling of hope ended and my mind began stirring. I stood rooted to the spot, unable to move, not believing what I was seeing. She left. She chose to hate me forever. I couldn't fix it. I clutched onto my jacket, my fingers digging into it. A sharp intake of breath, then I let it all out in one sigh. Tears blurred my vision as I felt an uncomfortable sense of giddiness. The sadness flowed through my veins and deadened my mind. The world was lost to me and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

"Dyl, are you okay?" Tyler's distant voice came from behind.

"So..." Malia added.

"It didn't work." I croaked, not wanting to face them.

The empty hallway was filled with silence. There was no reply from any of the two. No footsteps either as if they had froze in their spots.

I couldn't contain my frustration and took a huge step to the nearest locker.

"Dammit!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Balling my right hand into a fist, I impulsively punched the locker as hard as I could in a fit of anger and sadness that had overwhelmed me. A sharp pain seared through my hand. I grimaced, biting my lower lip. I took a quick look at my knuckles. Red marks were already forming on my tightly balled fist. Then, I kept punching the locker over and over, not caring about the burning pain shooting through my hand. As compared to the aching pain in my heart, it was nothing. Tears began to pour from my eyes.

"DYLAN!" Both Tyler and Malia yelled, rushing in. They grabbed my arm, tightly locking it to prevent me from hurting myself any further. I used all my force to resist, trying hard to pull away. They had got me trapped, no way I could break free. I stopped, my tensed muscles relaxed. I gave in and looked at them with tears streaming down my face.

"I lost her. She's not coming back." My lips quivered uncontrollably.

"Stop! You need to calm down. It's okay." Tyler reassured in the calmest voice possible, letting go of my arm cautiously. He motioned for Malia to do the same.

"I was so freaking stupid! She's gone because of me! It's not okay! Everything's bad! I fucking hate myself." I became agitated. I paced around, smashing an angry fist to the locker once again.

Tyler and Malia dashed up to me again, locking me into the same position, unwilling to let go this time.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Please, let go of me, I won't do it anymore...I promise." I steadied my voice, trying to sound as calm as possible.

They let go and took a step away.

I breathed heavily, leaning against the lockers. I let myself slide down to the floor, flopping down with a heavy flump. I shook my right hand continuously, hoping that the pain would go away. My head sunk in defeat.

Malia kneeled down next to me, and looked into my teary eyes.

"You're not stupid. Things like this happen, okay? It's completely normal. You like her right?"

I nodded my head, sniffling. "No, I love her." I sobbed.

Malia's surprised expression had told me that she wasn't expecting me to say that, but it was true. I love (y/n).

"Then get her back. Gain her trust and win her back. If you... love her, you should never give up, and if she likes... or loves you, she'll have to forgive you. I know (y/n). She's been my best friend for years. I believe that deep inside, she still lik—loves you. You've always stayed in her heart. I know that. Trust me." Malia reassured me.

Perfect Chemistry: A Dylan O'Brien fanfic Where stories live. Discover now