A New Rival

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Chapter 7

(Y/n) POV
It had been a few days since that scary incident. I had been excused from Lacrosse and Dylan's been really caring and constantly worried about me, sometimes it makes me feel embarrassed. The fact that he even carried me to the sick bay that day make me want to dig a hole and bury myself in it every time I think of it. Not that I'm complaining, I mean it's not everyday that someone, who's hot, smart and sporty, carries you. What's more, he's your crush... Ugh, ok, I need to stop thinking about that.

But seriously, Dylan had been looking out for me a lot. My ears and head are filled with his constant reminders to take care of myself, things like "Hey (y/n) drink more water, don't get dehydrated." Or "(Y/n) eat more vegetables and fruits, you need vitamins!" And then he would either pass me my water bottle or a fruit. I'm really grateful but also a little annoyed as it was getting repetitive and he sounded like my mom, unceasingly nagging me. But of course, since he did it for my own good AND he's my crush, I just kept quiet and listened to him.

"Wish you were here for training with me!! It's really boring without you and I don't even know what to do. You just made my Lacrosse skills deteriorate! You have to come back soon, or I won't improve anytime before the big competition!" Dylan joked, putting his two hands together in a begging action.

"I wish to be here too! Soon ok? And I promise I'll let you become the best player in the world!" I bantered.

"Well you better!" Dylan tried to warn in a serious tone, but failed.

"Ok, I gotta go! Good luck! Bye! I'll miss ya!"I pretended to whine, pouting my lips.

Dylan did the same. Then, we waved goodbye.

Urg, now I have to walk home all alone as he had to attend Lacrosse training. Training was becoming tighter as competition season was just around the corner... oh yeah! I promised myself that I was going to give Dylan something like a surprise for taking such good care of me and saving my butt that day!

Time to prepare a special something!

Hmm... Recently, Dylan just got interested in watching baseball matches and I think he told me that he really liked The Mets... I'm gonna buy him a Mets baseball cap! Right, and also make him a thank you card. It's not something very extravagant but I'm only a student! I don't have much money... aish... maybe I should get a part time job... so I can get him something special in the future... that is if we even have one together... oh my gosh, I'm so negative.

Shaking my head to erase that thought, i sat down to find Dylan the perfect cap that he would like, and also the design for the card.

Amazon was a good website maybe...or EBay?

After what seems like hours, I picked a cobalt blue hat with bright orange and white lettering and also an orange rim around the cap. Blue and orange was Dylan's favorite colour. If I didn't remember wrongly.

Then I proceeded to make him a card. A failed calligraphy decorated with some little drawings around plus a thank you note. Not that great but it's the best I could do. I really hope he'll like it...

- Time skip (next day after school) -

As we strolled along the path back home at a sedate pace, a comfortable silence between us.

This is the perfect time to give him the little surprise!

I halted in my tracks so suddenly that Dylan looked at me with worry-filled eyes and probably thought that something was wrong. I zipped open my bag, fumbling for the card and cap.

"Is there something wrong?" Dylan asked with a tinge of concern in his voice.

I just kept searching for the present, not really paying attention to what he just said. He took a step closer to take a look at what I was doing. Not wanting him to see it, I turned my back on him. When I finally got them out of my bag, I spun around and held the two gifts in front of him, one in each hand.

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