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[yes, I'm using Lauren London again for this particular character]

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[yes, I'm using Lauren London again for this particular character]...

My girls decided that I needed some time with them then me being with Chris once again. "Damn Jada, how does it feel to be with your girls for once?" Here goes Chasity with the questions. Flipping my hair "it feels good. Something different".

"It's good that you give Chris some space. Always under him" Paula chimed in.

"I don't see why y'all are hating!. Just let me live!" I said.

"We are not hating. Trust me. But Chris is all wrong for you. He's not serious about you. And he's still hooking up with his ex. I don't see how you allow yourself to go back to him" chasity said.

"For one Chris and I aren't in a committed relationship. We are just— Paula cut me off "you're in a fuckship. When either of you call you go running. Not for nothing Chris is a little old to be doing that".

Before I even came out here... he was trying to convince me to stay with him. I think he's gotten to dependent on me being there. Usually on the weekends I would go to his place and just play house. Until Sunday rolled around I would go back home. Don't get me wrong I know our relationship isn't the best. But it works for us both.

"I can only imagine how annoyed he was when he realized you wasn't staying with him..." chasity side eyed me.

"He wasn't even bothered" I lied.

"Yeah right. He's so strange. It's fine for him to be playing two females. But god forbid you go out without him..  he doesn't like it".

"Who said that?. He doesn't care as much as you think. Now can we have a good time tonight? Don't need the two of you down my throat about how much I need fun" I said. Paula cleared her throat "Jada What we are saying is that you're too pretty to have Chris treat you like your not worth being his girlfriend. We want to see you happy".

"Then stop talking about it. Let's enjoy the night" I said. Even though I was out trying to have fun... my mind went to Chris. This happens every time. Taking out my phone I seen a missed texted.

"Behave". Really? I hated when he tells me this. I was about to reply but chasity came by "no phones!". Rolling my eyes I stuffed the phone in my bag. She handed me a drink and walked away. All of this might club thing wasn't my scenery. After three drinks I was ready to go.

I made up an excuse to leave. No offense chasity and Paula have been my friends for over ten years. They know me like a book. So I know they knew I was lying. Feeling my phone going off..


"Are you coming back?" He asked.

"Not really..."

"Come on, please come back" he said.

"Chris it's late and I'm tired"

"Don't make me beg..." knowing he was smiling. I can tell by the way he said that sentence. He was my weakness. Even though he shouldn't be. Maybe if he didn't treat me right or spoil me it would be different.


"Fine, I'll be there in thirty minutes" I said.

When I met Chris... it sort of was an odd meeting. We bumped into each other at the supermarket. Well more like bumped our carts together. I apologized with a smile and he stood there in a daze. Then we met again at the check out. He ran me down asked for my number. Now I was hesitant. You see Chris is white. I never dated a white msn before. My previous boyfriends were African American. But he did try to spit some game. I thought it was cute and gave him my number. He didn't waste anytime calling me.

The thing is we never established our relationship. It was well just us having sex. And I was okay with that. It's been almost two years and we are still in the same type of relationship.  As for his ex... she's actually white. Apparently they dated for some years. She ended it with no explanation. But somehow Chris and her are still hooking up. I can't be mad at him for that... because we aren't official.

The whole situation is complicated. At this point I don't think Chris knows what he wants. And here I am sitting on the side lines hoping one day he will figure it out. How long can one wait?

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