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"Do you ever wonder how things would be different if your mom never left?" I asked. We had pulled into this field where the stars were bright. She turned to me "aren't we a little deep... but I used to".

"Was it good?" I asked.

She shrugged "it was my imagination making up what if. But in reality I knew if she had stayed it wouldn't made a difference".

"It's so crazy how our minds would trick us so we don't have to feel any pain or grief" I said.

"How about you? Do you sometimes just wonder if your dad was alive how things would be?" She asked.

"All the time" I said. She gave me a small smile "I may have lost a parent due to her selfishness. But I could never imagine having my dad pass away".

"You know my dad was sick. We all knew it. He tried to hide it from us. Even my mom knew and tried to cover up for him. Eventually when he got the sickest my mom took him to the hospital. He never came back home. Once my mom knew things were serious she let me say my goodbyes" feeling her hand on my shoulder "he was protecting you from the worry".

"I wish he had told me he was sick from the beginning... that way we could've spent more time together" I said.

"You know I'm a spiritual person. You seen the candles. But I do believe he's in a better place. Free of pain and smiles. He's watching you always" she said. Releasing a deep breath "thank you for listening".

She nodded "no problem. By the way the stars are out tonight".

"My dad used to take me and my mom here when I was younger. He would explain to me what's what" I said.

"Really? So explain to me" she said. Adjusting myself I leaned next to her and started slowly explaining the constellations in the sky. Seeing her stare at me in awe. Feeling that magnetic pull I leaned in closer to kiss Jada.

Just as I was about to let my lips feel the softeness of Jada. Her phone fell out of her hand and in between the seat causing us to laugh. "That always happens" she said.

Helping her find her phone she smiled "thank you".

"Oh before I forget. And I won't hear the end of it from my mom. But she wants to throw you a very small baby shower. And I mean small. If that's okay with you?" I asked.

She shrugged "yeah that's no problem. Just tell me when".

"Oh she'll be so happy... this baby is all she talks about" I said.

"She's going to be a grandma... let her live" she said. I smiled at that remark. "Oh snap what time is it... damn it's two in the morning?! Where did the time go?!".

"Yeah this place can do that to you. But let me take you home" I said. The Jada I saw was back... she was singing and dancing to a song on the Bluetooth. Actually she hooked up her phone to it.

"Happiness over everything..." she sang.

"That should be our motto" I said.

"Pshhh I wish" she said.

Pulling up to her place I turned the car off... "do you need me to walk you?".

"Nope I'm good. But I just wanted to say... I know it wasn't easy opening up to me about your dad. But if you ever need to vent... I'm here" she said.

I nodded "thank you".

She smiled "also thank you for the flowers".

"No problem..." I said.

She got out and closed the door. Watching her walk inside and put on the lights. I'm not sure what I'm feeling but I know I don't want to leave. When I turned to look at her place she was standing there "do you want to come in? I'm not sure why I'm asking this".

I nodded. Getting out the car I walked up the stairs and into her place. It was exactly how it was the last time I was there. "New candles?".

"Yeah I need peace in my life. So I got a peace candle and so far it's not working yet" she said.

"Who got you into candles?" I asked.

"No one. Just me being very curious. Finding a thing to make me feel less alone" she said. She walked in her room and I followed. "I don't think I have to explain where you sleep..."

Not responding I got into the bed on the same side I slept on the last time. Jada joined me and we ended up snuggling like the last time. It felt right. Having her in my arms felt like the puzzle piece that finally fit.

Nothing was said. The only thing you heard was the sound of her central air blowing around the room. No television, no phone and importantly no sex. It was just us.

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