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We all knew Jada was special lol


Slowly waking up my vision was a little fuzzy. I saw two shadows there. Hearing mumbling but not making clear of what was said. Moving my hair out of my face that's when my reality became real.

"Oh sleeping beauty is up!" Paula said.

Her brother rushed to me "I hope she didn't hurt you too bad.." feeling his hand touch my face I moved away.  The damn tape across my mouth and my hands and feet being tied to this damn chair. I was stuck.

"Paula you didn't have to knock her unconscious! Haven't I taught you anything?!" He said.

She shrugged "trust me Jada can fight... so I had to put her down before she threw up those hands".

This was just weird. My head was pounding. I'm a hundred percent sure I have a concussion.

"But I don't want you to mess that pretty face of hers! You resemble your mother so much" he smiled.

He took the tape off my mouth "I wonder if your lips taste just as good as hers?". When I saw him leaning closer I moved my head away from him. That's when I felt the pain of him grabbing my hair making sure I stayed still.

"Now be a good girl and we might let you go" he said.

He leaned in again but I just gathered so much spit in my mouth and spit it out in his face. He jumped back surprised.

Once he wiped off the wetness off his face that's when he raised him hand and slapped me. Feeling the warmth rush to my cheek.

"Stupid bitch! I'm trying hard not to hurt you. But keep it up and I won't hesitate to gut you" he warned.

With that he placed the tape back on my mouth. Paula smiled "oh just wait... he has something special planned for you!".

Jesus I swear it felt like I was in the presence of two psychotic people. Paula didn't even seem like herself. She was standing there just smiling all creepy.

"You what's crazy? Paying off so much people so we can carry out this plan. Sad! Jada you could've been living your life. But instead you curved my brother. Mistake number one" she said.

"Your mother made that mistake. She curved him as well. You know he stalked her for months. Knew all her routines. That day you found her hanging... he surprised her in the garage. She fought him... she was a fighter like you. But she didn't win... after he had his way with her he set up the crime scene as a suicide" she said.

Her brother came back into view "those cops were stupid and slow. But your mother Jada. My god... she was beautiful. I see the Apple first fall to far from the tree".

"I was telling her you mastered your plan with her mother..." Paula smiled.

He nodded "what can I say? I got a little obsessed with your mother. I was a boy with hormones and she fed into that. Just that my thirst was more dangerous than the normal".

"See Jada in a way we did you a favor. Your mother was cheating on your dad anyway. My brother caught her with the neighbor. Which infuriated him even more" Paula said.

As they were talking I was trying to get my hands free along with my feet. Feeling my hands free I pretended it was still taped up.

Her brother went out of the room and left Paula and I there. Trying to get her attention. She smirked "what?".

Mumbling with the tape on my mouth. She leaned in and ripped off the tape "what?". I swung my fist at her so hard. She didn't have time to scream. She just fell to the floor unconscious. I got up still shaking and ran to the front door but it was locked from the outside.

Making my way to the basement to hide. There's a door latch down there.

"JADA?!" He yelled.

Crouching down to hide behind the stairwell. Hearing his footsteps coming to the basement door. Covering my mouth so he didn't hear me breathe.

"JADA?! Come out... you'll just make this worse for yourself!" He said.

He stopped at the base of the stairs. Seeing a shovel I grabbed it. Either I do this or end up like my mom... I stood up and charged at him swinging the shovel. His head came in contact with the shovel causing him to fall to the ground. I swung it again but he rolled over grabbing my legs making me fall.

Feeling his weight in top of me wrestling to get the shovel out of my hands.

"I like it when you fight. Makes what I'm going to do you later even more exciting!" He smiled. Kicking him right in the groin which caused him to double over in pain.

"My mother didn't want you and I sure don't!" I said. Taking the shovel I swung it at his head again.

Letting my feet take me as fast as I could. The door was opening or trying to be opened.

"Damn door! Jada please be okay!" I heard. My heart raced even more "Chris? Is that you?".

"Yes it's me! Are you okay? Can you try and open the door!" He asked.

"I can't they locked it from the outside!" I whined. Feeling a little defeated. Chris on the other hand broke the side glass window by the door and climbed in. I've never been so happy in my life. Grabbing onto him "oh thank god you are here! Paula and her crazy ass brother kidnapped me. They are still here! We need to leave!" I said.

"Aren't you rude not to say goodbye" Paula said. Not wanting to turn around and see her. But I had no other choice. She was holding up a gun pointed us.

"Jada you always got what you wanted! Always. Everything always fell onto your lap. But me, I've always had to work a little harder to achieve what I wanted. Sometimes not even getting it" she said.

Chris stood infront of me "come on, Paula! Let's just talk this out the gun. Doing this won't solve anything".

"Shut up Chris! This is partially your fault. If you just stayed away you wouldn't be here" she said.

Hearing the gun clock back. I pulled Chris from infront of me and stood there to take the bullet. At least Gianna could go to France and start fresh and get away from these crazy people. Feeling the rush of something hitting my body and the heat I fell to the floor.

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