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I had music blaring from the television. Since Chris wasn't home I needed some type of noise. Sitting on the bed I was going through my phone. Where Chris lives it's a good twenty to thirty minutes away from the city where I live. It's like being in the boondocks.

An alert came through my phone. Opening Facebook I clicked the friend request. Not recognizing who the person was. I clicked to see their profile. Going through their profile pictures that's when I realized it was my mom. Before I could react she messaged me...

"Jada?! Is this my daughter?!" She typed.

Now I sat there staring at my phone just reading what she typed. Wasn't sure if I should respond. Tapping my nail on the screen trying to make a decision.

"So many years passed by. You saw it was me and couldn't say anything better? Instead you asked a dumb question. I'm not ready to have you in my life. Just like you wasn't ready to have me in yours. So please don't contact me again" I typed. After that I blocked her. She can't just come into my life when she feels like it. Throwing my phone to the side. Now I'm hungry.

In the kitchen I decided to make me an omelette. As I'm frying the eggs Chris walked in from outside. I heard him walk but my mind was focused on my mom. "Hey".

"Hey" not even looking at him.

"Smells good" he said.  

Placing the omelette on a plate I put the pan in the sink. "Okay? Someone is moody" he said.

"Huh? No I'm not moody. Just flabbergasted" I said.

"About what? If it's about me asking you to sleep in my bed. Don't worry about it" he said.

"Chris I forgot about that as soon as I went to sleep that night" I said. Going to the table I took a seat. He joined me "so what's up?".

"For one my mom friended me on Facebook and had the nerve to ask me if I was her daughter! My profile pic is of my face" I said.

Chris wide eyed me "your mom? Wow! I mean how are you feeling?".

I shrugged "I'm mad that she wants to speak but on her terms. No! I'm not doing that. She chose to leave! She won't choose when we talk".

Chris nodded "I'm speechless!".

"You and me both" I said.

"Where's my omelette?" He asked.

"Didn't know you'll be hungry..." I smiled.

He just watched me eat. After I was done I was about to clean my spot but Chris jumped in. He took my plate from me "thank you".

"Oh so I saw Paula tonight. She's more psycho than I thought. Saying how she was looking for you and worried. Then my friend accident told her you were staying with me" he said.

I sighed "well there goes that plan. So I might as well go home. She now knows I'm here. It won't take her long to google and find where".

Chris turned to me "you are not going anywhere. Paula doesn't know where I live. Even she comes over here she won't make past the front door.I'll  even get a dog if it'll help".

"Why are you trying so hard?" I asked.

"Trying to make sure you both are safe. That's not trying hard. That's being a concerned... never mind" he said.

He threw the dish towel down and walked off. Tonight wasn't my night. Going back to the guest room I picked up my phone...

"He said you were temporary. That's some baby father you have there. As soon as you drop this baby he will be laid up with someone else. Maybe brooke" Paula texted.

I didn't text back. Already having a rough night.

My mother who didn't want me all of a sudden wants to speak to me. Then the person I do want... doesn't want me. Hearing a knock on the door as Chris walked in "I'm trying so hard because I care".

I gave him a small smile. He stood there I guess waiting for me to respond.

But I had nothing to say. Just blinking at him until he left. Just temporary... then why am I here? I could've stayed my temporary ass in my own place. He talks a whole other game when he's not here. But he tried to play the concerned guy. When in reality he's telling people something completely different.

These four months couldn't hurry up.

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