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I can't believe chris came here destroying the adoption pamphlets. He looked so furious that I was even thinking about it. It's like because he doesn't believe in it that I should agree. I'm just looking out for this baby. And I can't trust chris will be around for it.

"Jada please listen to me. Just put this adoption idea away. We will be parents and raise it. And we'll do a phenomenal job too" he said.

Standing there my mind quickly went to a scene of having a baby walking around and Chris running after it. That thought made me smile. But my reality quickly came into focus. "Jada?" He waved his hand in my face.

"What?" I blinked.

"You zones out there... but please promise me you'll forget about this adoption thing. I'll try and do better for the both of you" he said.

Shaking my head "you still don't get it".

"Get what?!" He asked.

"I don't want this baby growing up the way I did. There a lot you don't know about me. My mom hightailed her ass from being a mom. Left me with my dad and he had to play mom and dad. That feeling of being not good enough is a horrible feeling. Don't want our baby feeling that" I said.

Chris came closer to me "you don't ever have to worry about that". He pulled me into him hugging me. His smell was so intoxicating. Pulling my head back I looked up at him. There was something in the air at that moment. We just stared at one another. Seeing Chris eyes glance at my lips and back at me.

Before he ends up taking advantage of this situation I moved back. Moving my hair out the way. He stood there and stared at me some more "Umm so...".

He smirked "you always hated when I stared at you".

"But you do it anyway" I joked.

Before he could answer Paula came through the front door "oh so they didn't have the sour cream and onion so I got you just plain..." clearing my throat she looked at Chris "oh didn't know he was here. Hey Chris. Grow up yet?".

He didn't say anything.

"Nope okay" she said.

"I'm going to go... but I'll call you later on tonight" he placed his hand on my pouch quickly and left. Paula closed the door behind him "why was he here?".

"Trying to get me to not put this baby up" I said.

"Whoa! Say what?" She asked.

"What? I mean you know the way I grew up. Don't want this baby experiencing the same things. Who knows if Chris will be around for a long period of time. What if he gets married to someone and start his own family. Then he forgets about this one. So many things go through my head" I said.

"Jada... we all grew up in some messed up situations. But you have the power to change how this baby grows up. If Chris decides when it's five to skip out then so be it. You'll just have to put your big girl panties on" she said.

"Easier said then done. Just wanted a two parent home" I said. Paula hugged me "you'll be fine. Would it make it better if I beat Chris up?".

We both laughed "that would help but nah... don't hurt him".

"Still don't see what you see in him" she said.

I shrugged "he's in all a nice guy. He has his moments but in all he cares in his own weird way".

"If you say so..." she said.

Didn't think Paula would understand. She's still single since her last relationship. Nevermind that was like six years ago. But then again she was in a very heavy toxic mess. Destroyed her mentally.

"How is chasity? Haven't heard from her since the cookout" I said.

"She's good. But she's still pissed at you for taking Chris' side" rolling my eyes cause chasity should know being that Chris is the father of my baby I would instantly take his side. She's a good friend but things are changing.

"I don't want to lose any of you. But it feels that way" I said.

"I'm here, right? I just don't like Chris. Until he grows the hell up and man's up then maybe I will give him a sincere smile" she said.

"That'll never happen" I joked.

We laughed "nah that was tough even for me to fake". Walking into the living room... we just sat down and watched some Netflix shows we missed.

But I wasn't really focusing on anything but current situation. And how it's going to play out in the end.

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