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When I saw brooke at the door... a ping of hurt hit my chest. I turned around and quickly went to the bathroom. Turning on the shower... cause right now I look like a hot mess. Stepping into the hot water I melted. Loosening up my muscles and letting my mind free.

Rubbing the soap all over my body with my washcloth... that's when a reminder hit me. As soon as I soaped you my stomach that reminder was there. I sighed a little.

Turning off the water I stepped out grabbing s towel. Wiping the foggy mirror clean I saw myself. It's not like when you check yourself to see if anything is out of place. This is different. I saw a young woman standing there. She looked confused and upset.

A knock on the door took me right out of my own thoughts "Jada?".

Clearing my throat "yeah?!".

"Are you okay?" Chris asked.

Opening the door I smiled "yeah I'm fine". Speed walking to the guest room. Chris followed closely behind me "are you sure?".

I nodded "yeah, why would I be upset?".

Chris raises his brow "oh I don't know maybe because we were in a moment and Brooke showed up".

"Okay? And?" I asked. He walked up to me "look at me". His stare was piercing right through me. Feeling a little chilly from being in a towel "I need to get dressed".

He smiled "oh yeah... go ahead". Not moving he stayed in the same spot "can you leave so I can get dressed?".

"For what? I've seen all you have under there" he said. Grabbing a pillow and hitting him until he left. Closing the door and sighing. So he made Brooke leave? I'm assuming. A smile crept on my face.

After I got dressed I went back to the living room to see Chris on the couch watching television. He smiled at me "better?".

"What was wrong with me?" I asked.

"Jada let's not play the dumb game. Obviously when Brooke showed up your whole mood changed. But I made her leave. I didn't entertain her by any means".

Biting my lip "you actually made her leave? Wow!".

"Why are you surprised?" He asked.

I shrugged "I mean let's not act like brooke isn't number one to you. Or that's the way you portrayed it to me".

He smiled "brooke wasn't number one... she was someone who agreed to have sex with no issues. I'm a guy so of course I'm going to say yes. But with you... things obviously changed. At the end of the day I won't disrespect your feelings. Now if I didn't say anything about this... would you have come to me?".

Scratching my scalp "Nope. I don't like burden people with my feelings".

"Never will your feelings be a burden. Just please if something is bothering you... don't be afraid to talk to me" he said.

I nodded "okay".

"Now let me see it" he said.

"See what?" I asked.

He pointed to my stomach "you want to see my stretch marks?". Instead of waiting for me he started to lift up my shirt. He just stared... "what were you hoping to see? Cause all that's here is a round belly and tiger stretch marks".

"It's beautiful. The whole creating a human thing. But there's nothing bad about how your stomach looks" he said.

"You're just being nice" I said.

He placed his hand on my round belly making me jump "something wrong?".

"No your hands are cold!" I said.

He smiled "oh sorry".



Now that, that situation is handled... now I can focus on other things. Jada wanted to cook tonight but I wanted her to relax a little. Instead we went out... Jada never fails to enjoy whatever she eats. Since the whole pregnancy watching her eat is fun.

"Let's walk over there" I said. She followed closely to me as we walked down a trail.

"At least it's not muggy out. My hair wouldn't approve of that" she said.

"What's with African Americans and hair?" I asked.

She smiled "that's a whole other lecture for another time. But in all... my hair tends to get puffy when it's muggy or hot out. It's not cute at all".

"Oh okay makes sense" I said. She intertwined her hand into mine. She hid her face by looking down... but she was smiling. "It was a good night" I said.

She looked straight ahead and smiled. Her dimple popped out her cheek. Once we got to the car I opened her door letting her get in first. About to get open my door my phone went off. Taking it out of my pocket I glanced at the message.

"Her mom never left. She hung herself"...

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