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I had to get out of there. Some guy is saying jada's baby is his. Confusion mixed with anger...I felt like she lied to me. When I asked her if this baby was mine she told me yes and that there wasn't any other potentials.

When I got home I wanted to just destroy something. That's how angry I felt. Usually at times like this I could call Brooke. But it would only be an temporary fix.

Hearing a soft knock on the door. I already knew it was Jada. Opening the door... she stood there "can we talk?". Walking away from her but leaving the door open so she can walk in.

She sighed "look... I came here so I could explain what just happened".

I'm just going to let her talk. Sitting on my couch I just watched her..."anyway Dylan is a guy I had a one night stand with. I regret it because he won't leave me alone. But it was when we had that argument and you told me to get out of your house. Next thing I see before I leave is brookes car pulling into your driveway. Pissed wasn't even the right word. But I needed to vent. Paula and chasity suggested I go out and just have fun. In which we did. But Paula is the one who brought Dylan to me. I wasn't really interested but after a few shots... we went into the bathroom and yeah"'she said.

"Do you think Dylan could be the father?" I asked.

She shook her head "no".

"How sure are you?" I asked.

"Hundred percent sure... I just know deep down this baby isn't his. If I thought it could be I would've had him around a lot more" she said.

I nodded "and I'm going to give you some food for thought. Watch the company you keep. I've never liked them".

She rolled her eyes "I know".

"No you don't know. Use that brain of yours... how did Dylan know about you being pregnant or the shower?" I asked.

"Oh I asked him and he says social media" she said.

"If you believe that... come on!" I said.

She took a seat next to me on the couch "my feet hurt". Her eyes went to her hands that were on her lap. "Jada look at me". She picked her head up and turned to me "your safety is what matters most. I don't want Dylan around you causing you stress".

"You know just realizing when I came out the bathroom with Dylan... both Paula and chasity cheered" she said.

"They put your in a dangerous situation. What if he had aids? You didn't use any protection. Birth control doesn't protect you from std's or sti's" I said.

She facepalmed herself "oh see there you go. You know I was taking my pills religiously. So he couldn't have been the father. Whew! Thank god for birth control".

"Birth control didn't save you this time" I said.

"Only because I got sick. Remember... that time I was recovering from an sinus infection. Little did I know antibiotics cancels out any type of birth control. This whole time I was like oh I started a new pack and it took more time to get my body situated".

Shaking my head "I always tell you when you're not lazy you are a smart person".

She playfully smacked me "shut up! And I'm not lazy. But I'm sorry that that happened at our baby shower. That's not fair that all of that drama made you leave early".

"Did I miss much?" I asked.

"Nope. After you left I got upset and just went inside. Then Paula's brother was all up under me. He's creepy" she said.

"He's a typical sucker. Trying to be that shoulder to cry on so when things go south. He'll be there front and center" I said.

She laughed "I can see that! Then Paula just keeps egging it on. When I specifically told her I wasn't interested".

"Paula is as creepy as her brother. Have you ever seen the way she stares at you? Always thought she has a secret crush on you" I said.

"Stop playing!" She said.

"So what name do you have now?"'I asked.

"Oh for the moment... Madison is cute. But it'll change next week" she said.

"Madison... I like this better than the last name. Also I think anything baby related stays between us only. Don't want your friends involved too much. Just when you think they have your best interest... they don't" I said.

She smiled "okay". Putting herself further into my couch "I'm tired".

"Take a nap" I said. She didn't hesitate to use me as a pillow. Not even minutes into laying on my chest. Jada was out cold. Putting her legs up so they don't swell. I want to be mad at her but I can't. She came here and explained everything. That's something she isn't used to doing.

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