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"Damn! Who ate the chips?!" Paula asked. Rolling up the bag as quiet as I could and stuffed it in the mattress. She looked at me "again, that's the third bag you ate".

I shrugged "my badd... I'm hungry".

"There's food in the table from room service! Eat that" she said.

"Not the same!" I whined.

I doubt they even know I been throwing up every morning. Anytime I have to do that I try to be very quiet. Cause I don't want them in my face saying I told you so. I'm going to murder Chris if I'm pregnant. This isn't the right situation to bring a baby into.

"You ready for the beach?" Chasity asked.

I nodded "yeah let's go but let's take these chips too". We walked to the beach as I was munching on the chips. The way I was tearing into the bag you would think I haven't eaten. "Are you still in denial you may be pregnant?".

"I'm not pregnant. These chips just taste so good" I said.


I needed a pregnancy test ASAP. But it can't be when I'm with them or I won't hear the end of it. I'll have to be slick. The beach was fun but I was getting tired. "I need to go to the store to get more chips" I lied. Well not really I needed more chips but I also needed a pregnancy test too.

As we approached a Walgreens I told them to wait out here since they weren't buying anything. Luckily they didn't question me. I went inside grabbed the first test I saw and two bags of chips. I hid the test in-between the bags. My nerves were all over the place. When we got back to the room I jetted to the bathroom. Locking the door I opened the test and used it. Tapping my fingers in the sink just waiting. The plus size slowly made its way in my eyesight.


So many thought going through my head. And I'm only on day two of our trip. I have tell Chris. Pulling out my phone "we need to talk". Waiting for him to respond but he didn't. Which usually meant he was with Brooke. And there goes the icing on the cake. I washed my hands and disposed of the test.

"Like we didn't see you bought a test" chasity said.

"What?" I played dumb.

"Uh Huh! So are you or not?" She asked.

"I'm not. So you guys were wrong!" I lied.

"Oh really? Well we owe you an apology. But it seemed like you was" she said. I felt horrible for lying to them but I wasn't in the mood for the looks and the questions. Plus, I wanted to tell Chris first.

That night I waited for him to answer me. I was getting aggravated. "Chris we really need to talk".

Waiting for him to answer me.., "what's up?".

"Umm... I'm pregnant..." I texted. It was quiet for a good six minutes. "Are you sure?" He texted.

"Yup. I don't know what you want to do... but I mean we aren't together so.." I texted.

"I'm here for whatever you want to do" he texted.

That was unexpected.

"I'll see you when I get back" I texted.  He didn't respond back. I laid there unable to sleep. We been messing around for two years and now this happens.

This whole trip was done for me. But I had to suck it up so these two wouldn't suspect anything is wrong with me. When I got back from Miami I had Chris pick me up so we could talk face to face.

"Hey" I said.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I've been better" I said. We went back to his house. "So you're pregnant?" He asked.

"Yup. I don't know how but I am" he smiled "we both know how".

"Look I don't know what I want to do" I said. He nodded "like I said before whatever you want to do I'm behind you".

"Good I made a doctors appointment for tomorrow. You wouldn't mind coming with me?" He looked offended "of course I'll come with you. We made that baby inside you". He was taking this very well. Chris convinced me to stay the night and tomorrow after he would take me home.

At the doctors, I sat there just waiting. My leg was bouncing up and down like crazy. "So did you figure out what you want to do?".

"Chris we aren't together like that. I don't think bringing a baby into what we have would be healthy".

"So you're saying you want to get rid of it?" He seemed shocked.

"Well I mean it makes sense" I said. He looked away from me. The medical assistant called us to the back. I sat on the table as Chris sat in the corner. The doctor came inside "Hello! So you are pregnant. Congrats".

"Thanks" I smiled. Chris seemed bothered.

"Let's check to see how big the baby is and then if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask" he said. He laid me down and lubricated the tool he was going to use to see the baby. Once he found it it popped up on the screen. "There goes the baby. Seems perfect in size and very active". I was truly amazed that thing was inside me. Chris got up and cane closer to the screen "wow that's the baby?" The doctor nodded "sure is". My eyes were glued to the screen. Chris whispered "like what you see?".

I smiled. How could I kill this innocent being we created?. The doctor helped me up "so... any questions?".

We both shook our heads "but I made up my mind".

"Okay well your due date is September sixteenth. And please go upfront to get your prenatal pills" he said. He stood up and shook Chris' hand "congrats".

"Thanks" Chris smiled.

Talk about surprises. I thought he didn't like surprises.

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