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I was so close to falling asleep. Even though it's pretty late. But I just couldn't get tired. But as I'm closing eyes I heard footsteps on the floor. Opening my eyes a little I see a blurry vision of someone standing at the doorway.

"I can't sleep" I heard.

Moving from the position I was in I sat up a little "you can always sleep here".

She sighed and walked over to get into the bed. The bed was big enough. "Wow! This is a comfy bed" she said.

"Told you. Now just get comfortable and close your eyes. Before you know it you'll be sleeping" I said. You know when you can tell someone is staring at you? Even with me eyes shut I felt it. "What?".

"Can I ask you something? And you can be honest with me" she said.

"Okay..." I said.

"Did you ever say that I was temporary?" She asked.

"Temporary as in living with me? Yes. Why?" I said.

"Oh so you only said it in the context of us living together... not as I was temporary" she said.

"You can call Bobby and ask him. That's all I said. Why are you all of a sudden questioning me?" I asked. She sat up "you'll probably think I'm dumb. But Paula texted me before saying how you said I was temporary. And I know you guys saw each other so I was curious".

Turning to her "I know I can be an ass but I wouldn't say that about you to anyone".

She smiled "now I feel stupid".

I shrugged "you'll be fine. Now let's get some sleep".

Feeling the bed move a little then also feeling her body heat near me. Temptation is a bitch. But I kept my composure and stayed in the same spot. The next morning I woke up to Jada sleeping on my chest.

She stirred in her sleep as I woke up. Removing myself from under her... she moved over and snuggled into the bed some more.

I still have memory of what we spoke about last night. Paula is going to an issue. And I wonder if her mom really friended her on Facebook last night. Going into my small den I logged into Jada's Facebook.

Yes, I have her password and log in name. Does she know? No. Moving on. Going through her block list the profile that was to be her mother is now blank. No pictures, no nothing. Shaking my head, how can someone be so cruel to even do that?.

Hearing Jada walking from upstairs I quickly logged out and went into the kitchen. She walked in "morning!".

"Morning... how'd you sleep?" I asked.

She shrugged "actually good... that bed is comfortable".

"Good, hungry?" I asked.

"Always" she joked.

Whipping out the pan to make pancakes along with some bacon. Now usually I don't cook but I can get away with some easy things to make.

"Oh snap you cooking? I should be scared" she joked.

"You'll see when you taste my pancakes" I smiled.

She sat at the counter and watched me. It's like she was making sure I was doing things right. "You put too much flour in the bowl".

"Let the cook do its job" I said.

She shrugged "okay? If you say so. When the pancakes come out flat you know why".

"Just be quiet and watch the master at work" I said. Hearing the stool move a little I turned to see she was right behind me with a smirk "what'd you say?".

"You heard me" I said.

She held up a the spoon of batter "I didn't hear you".

"Jada you wouldn't..." I warned.

"Try me" she smirked.

Just staring at her while she kept moving her arm either the spoon in it. That's when I felt some of the liquid hit my shoulder "oh see now it's on". Jada dropped the spoon and backed up "oops! My hand slipped".

"Right... come here I have a whole bowl of flour with your name on it" chasing after her. Jada was pleading that I stop but no. Getting close enough I threw the flour all over her face. She gasped "Chris?!".

"You started it" I smiled.

"Oh yeah?" She ran to get the bowl of eggs. I made a run for it "Chris come here. I want to talk to you for a minute".

"I'm good. Can we stop so I can finish making breakfast?" I yelled. She didn't respond. Not hearing Jada at all somewhat worried me. I came out of my hiding spot and in a bowl of eggs "sucker!".

Pulling to me and rubbing the eggs residue all over the side of her face. She whined so loud and tried to push me away. But I tightened my grip on her forcing her to stay still. We stared at one another. She was filled with flour and eggs... but she was still beautiful.

Leaning in...

Just then my door bell rang. "Every damn time" Jada mumbled. "Hold on" I said. Opening the door I saw brooke standing there with a huge smile "baby forgive me? I missed you" she pulled me into a kiss.

Pushing her off of me... I turned around and Jada was no where in sight. Great.


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